[PROJ] Minor suggestion for AuthorityFactory::getDescriptionText(code)

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.com
Mon Sep 30 02:27:00 PDT 2019


In the C++ API, the documentation of 
AuthorityFactory::getDescriptionText said: "In case of several objects 
of different types with the same code, one of them will be arbitrarily 
selected." This is fine. But the following code with PROJ 6.2.0:


returns /"Germany - Saxony - west of 13.5°E"/ while I would have 
expected /"WGS 84 / World Mercator"/. Technically the result is conform 
to PROJ documentation since the former is an Area object with EPSG:3395 
code, and the later is a ProjectedCRS object also with EPSG:3395 code. 
But I suggest that in such case where different kinds of object have the 
same EPSG code, precedence is given to the CRS.

Likewise, getDescriptionText("4326") currently produces /"USA - 
Wisconsin - Douglas"/. I have not yet verified if such precedence should 
also be enforced in AuthorityFactory::createObject.


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