[PROJ] Help in setting proj parameters for an old map

Pierre Abbat phma at bezitopo.org
Mon Feb 3 00:22:53 PST 2020

On Monday, 3 February 2020 01.33.26 EST aborruso wrote:
> Hi Pierre,
> thank you.
> And when I have map like this, without any Scale factor,
> located in the same country, can I suppose that it's always nearby 1?
> http://legacy.lib.utexas.edu/maps/ams/italy_50k/txu-pclmaps-oclc-6540719-pal
> ermo-249-2.jpg

I think it's more likely that the mapmaker forgot to put the scale factor. 
Check the other maps in the south Italy zone.

sei do'anai mi'a djuno puze'e noroi nalselganse srera

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