[PROJ] Axis Order in Custom Projection

Paul Harwood runette at gmail.com
Thu Jul 9 07:09:36 PDT 2020


I am working on a project to put GIS data into VR in Unity (see virgis.org
for more info - very early stages).

I am using Proj to convert Geospatial data into internal VR Space
coordinates for a model. I did this by defining a custom projection for the
internal model space ( of the form of "+proj=tmerc +datum=WGS84 +units=m
+no-defs +lat_0=53.316200583246534 +lon_0=-1.791218230167096" where the
lat_0 and lon_0 figures depend on the location of the model.).

This is working well in both directions.

However - one constant and annoying fact is that whilst all Geospatial CRS
are "Z-up" i.e. altitude is the Z dimension, VR space is "Y-up". It is
a purely procedural thing to swap the axis but it is a constant
irritation and cause of failures!

The ideal solution would be if the Proj coordinate operation produced
coordinates in "eun" axis order! Would solve a lot of problems. I did try
this to see if it was possible but (not unsurprisingly) got an error.

Is there any way to do this? Or is it so far from the expected usage that
it is just not possible?

Thanks in advanced for any and all comments.
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