[PROJ] new bashism (in 6.3.1?)

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Tue Mar 10 08:12:20 PDT 2020

On mardi 10 mars 2020 11:00:27 CET Greg Troxel wrote:
> In data/Makefile.am there is:
>          if [[ $$(echo "pragma foreign_key_check;" | sqlite3 proj.db | head
> -c1 | wc -c) -ne 0 ]]; then \
> which does not conform to POSIX sh.  Probably it should just be `` or
> $(), and [[ I think is just an unnecessary bashism.

The double $$ might be needed because of autmake stuff (otherwise it would be 
replaced too early). At least I remember having had issues with that.

Feel free to submit a pull request that removes this bashism. I've no idea 
myself when I use a bashism or not :-)


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