[PROJ] Transformation to rotated pole

Ken Mankoff mankoff at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 05:16:38 PST 2020

Hello proj list,

I'm trying to reproject a shapefile to a rotated pole with "o_lat_p=18" and "o_lon_p=-200". Can this be done with ogr2ogr?

I have done this successfully in the past (see https://ibb.co/QrvpMZ5 showing Greenland at the equator), but my historical method doesn't work due to a software update.

What I did in the past was work in GRASS GIS based on this code:

And to summarize that, it imported data to an EPSG:4326 projection, then changed some internal files to the rotated pole (call this A), launched a new EPSG:4326 projection (B), and then used the GRASS re-projection code to reproject from A to B. The result is the attached graphic.

The proj4 string from A is 

+proj=ob_tran +o_proj=latlon +lat_0=0.0000000000 +lon_0=180.0000000000 +o_lat_p=18.0 +o_lon_p=-200.0 +a=6378137 +rf=298.257223563 +no_defs +towgs84=0.000,0.000,0.000 +type=crs  +to_meter=.0174532925

Trying to re-create this outside of GRASS just using proj tools, I thought the workflow might be:

1) Assign ob_tran (ish) SRS above to the existing shapfile
2) Reproject from its native (from (1)) to EPSG:4326.

I implement that as:

ogr2ogr -t_srs EPSG:4326 -a_srs "+proj=latlon +lat_0=0.0000000000 +lon_0=180.0000000000 +o_lat_p=18.0 +o_lon_p=-200.0 +a=6378137 +rf=298.257223563 +no_defs +towgs84=0.000,0.000,0.000 +type=crs  +to_meter=.0174532925" -f 'ESRI Shapefile' tmp.shp sectors.shp

ogr2ogr -t_srs EPSG:4326 -f 'ESRI Shapefile' out.shp tmp.shp

The result is not what I am looking for.

Can anyone on this list suggest what I'm doing incorrectly or provide an ogr2ogr command that can re-create the attached graphic? I'm happy to share the shapefile if that would help.

Thank you,

   Ken Mankoff

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