[PROJ] National CRS to ITRS

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Wed Feb 22 09:16:06 PST 2023

> ER wrote:
> >The null transformation between ETRS89 and ETRF2014 comes with the 
> definition of the datum ensemble ETRS89 (cf change 
> https://github.com/OSGeo/PROJ/issues/3263 
> <https://github.com/OSGeo/PROJ/issues/3263>)
> The problem is not the null transformation between the ensemble and 
> its members, but that the transformation route through ETRF2014 is 
> recommended. In my opinion, the route trough ETRF2000 should be the 
> default. Not only for the Netherlands but, for Europe in general.
PROJ has no idea of what is recommended/preferred by European 
geodestists ;-) It only trusts records in its database.
> Thus ETRS89 -> ETRF2000 -> ITRF2000 -> ITRF2014 instead of ETRS89 -> 
> ETRF2014 -> ITRF2014. What makes PROJ choose the latter?
PROJ can only infer pipelines with at most one intermediate CRS. If you 
want ETRS89 -> ETRF2000 -> ITRF2000 -> ITRF2014, you need an explicit 
concatenated operation chaining the 3 individual steps.


My software is free, but my time generally not.
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