[PROJ] conversion from northing-easing system

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.com
Sat Mar 18 04:57:16 PDT 2023


Le 18/03/2023 à 12:46, Javier Jimenez Shaw a écrit :

> I understand that AXIS tag is not supported in some WKT1 standards 
> (well, that is what "I understand" reading WKT2 standard).
Actually AXIS elements are supported in the WKT 1 format as defined by 
the OGC 01-009 standard. The problem is that before OGC 01-009, WKT 1 
was defined in a much more ambiguous way in a prior OGC specification 
named "Simple Features". That prior specification indeed had no AXIS 
element (among other ambiguities). OGC 01-009 tried to fix those 
ambiguities, but unfortunately it arrived too late; the prior 
specification had already been interpreted in different ways by 
different software, and we had no reliable way to know which flavor of 
WKT 1 a given string was using. WKT 2 resolves that problem by using 
different keywords, which makes clear that WKT 2 is used.


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