I have some .map OZI calibrated maps. From those .map, I can get some calibration points (x y in the jpeg picture + lon lat in WGS84).<br><br>MMPXY,1,142,142<br>MMPXY,2,5217,142<br>MMPXY,3,5217,3422<br>MMPXY,4,142,3422<br>
MMPLL,1, -0.269639, 39.626293<br>MMPLL,2, -0.186306, 39.626293<br>MMPLL,3, -0.186306, 39.584626<br>MMPLL,4, -0.269639, 39.584626<br><br>With that I build a coordinates file<br><br>-0.269639 39.626293 (142,142)<br>
-0.186306Â 39.626293 (5217,142)<br>-0.186306Â 39.584626 (5217,3422)<br>-0.269639Â 39.584626 (142,3422)<br><br>From the .map file I can also know that the map projection is UTM<br><br>Map Projection,(UTM) Universal Transverse Mercator,PolyCal,No,AutoCalOnly,No,BSBUseWPX,Yes<br>
<br>With proj4 I get the projection of those points in UTM<br><br>$ proj +proj=utm +ellps=WGS84 coord<br>734345.05Â Â Â Â Â Â 4389843.39 (142,142)<br>741498.53Â Â Â Â Â Â 4390064.29 (5217,142)<br>741643.45Â Â Â Â Â Â 4385438.93 (5217,3422)<br>
734485.67Â Â Â Â Â Â 4385218.08 (142,3422)<br><br>El objetivo es dadas unas coordenadas cualquieras dentro del mapa (p.e. -0.269058 39.599662), obtener el punto x y en el mismo.<br>The goal is knowing a pair of coordinates in the map (for instance -0.269058 39.599662), get the x y pixel in the map.<br>
<br>$ proj +proj=utm +ellps=WGS84<br>-0.269058 39.599662<br>734484.83Â Â Â Â Â Â 4386888.69<br><br>How can I calcultate the X Y pixel for those coordinates having all this data? Am I in the right way<br><br>Thank you very much<br>