<div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr"><div>Hello, I would like you to please guide me with my following couple of questions:<br><br>I have a list of coordinates in a UTM Zone 14 North projection, in the ITRF2008 datum, I would like to change them to a Transverse Mercator projection, in which the central meridian lon_0 coincides in longitude with one of the points on my list, point 1: UTM(1, East=479969.231, North=2143791.499, Elevation=2274.949) and or in geographic coordinates (1, lat=19.388187333, lon=-99.190762728, Elevation=2274.949)<br><br>Question: Would it be correct to use the following syntax and parameters? Because I am not getting the expected result.:</div><div><br>
</div>echo 480037.249 2143783.696 2271.294 | cct +proj=pipeline +step +inv +proj=utm +zone=14 +ellps=GRS80 +k=0.9996439573 +step +proj=tmerc +lat_0=19.388187333 +lon_0=-99.190762728 +x_0=479969.231 +y_0=2143791.499 +ellps=GRS80 +k=1<br><div> </div><div></div><div>I get the output: 480037.2841 2143783.7685 2271.2940 inf</div><div><br></div><div>
The correct result should be:
480037.3001 2143783.6901 2271.294<br></div><div><br></div><div>Best regards</div><div><br></div><div>Ulises<br></div></div>