[Projects] OGC products list

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Wed Oct 15 07:06:22 PDT 2014

Hi Jody, my comments are inline below:

On 2014-10-14 10:20 PM, Jody Garnett wrote:
> Thanks for jumping on this. I spoke to several OGC members in Calgary and was thus aware of some of what is going on.

And thanks for the nudge, you are right, we need to keep the momentum 
going with the OGC.

>> Some unresolved issues:
>> - there are costs involved in submissions, who covers these costs?
> We may be able to arrange a contribution in kind (ie OGC may be in position to defer these costs as part of the relationship between the two organisations) although I would feel better I'd OSGeo could cover these costs in order to point to a solid benefit of joining our foundation. Indeed this activity hits several of our stated goals.

I also would hope that OSGeo could cover these costs (as explained by 
Luis, $80 per year per product per standard for using “Certified OGC 
Compliant” trademark).  I wonder what the ballpark yearly cost would be 
for all of our projects/products?  Should we/OSGeo budget for $5,000 USD 
each year for this total cost?  Or is my math way underestimated?

>> - how do we handle projects/products that are in Incubation?  (such as Rasdaman)  Are Incubation projects, and their lead contact, considered as legal authority /officer of the OSGeo foundation?
> Afraid not, we really want that assurance that projects are open source. All we would end up doing is putting up a higher gate to entering incubation with out the benefit of a mentor to ask questions.

I also agree with you, I was asking but in fact realized that we 
cannot/should not allow incubating projects to automatically act as 
officers.  Thanks for clarifying this.

>> Thoughts?
> Great to see some benefit out of our long-standing collaboration with OGC.


>> Let's all work through this together :)
> I am not sure about using this list for discussions. If it becomes a place too work on things together it will loose value for quick efficient communication. Guess we can figure it out over time.

I feel the same way as you: I am not 100% sure the best place for 
discussions, so we will start here and see.

Any other thoughts from other projects?


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