[Projects] OSGeo Budget 2019 for projects.

Torsten Friebe friebe at lat-lon.de
Tue Jan 29 01:17:47 PST 2019

Dear all,

the OSGeo project deegree would like to apply for funding too. Our first
draft of the project goals is a available in our github wiki. [1]

Thanks a lot and kind regards,


[1] https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/wiki/deegree-budget-2019

Am 07.01.19 um 19:35 schrieb Angelos Tzotsos:
> Dear OSGeo project members,
> Over the previous years, OSGeo has been proud to support a growing
> number of project events, such as code sprints, developer meetings,
> and user conferences.
> OSGeo is reaching out to all committees, including project steering
> committees, to help plan our budget for 2019.
> This year, the board is discussing about assigning a starting budget
> of 2000$ to all graduated projects who have reported to the board the
> last 12 months (see https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/osgeo/todo/issues/11).
> For projects with more of a plan (to pursue a specific goal) projects
> are welcome to send a more detailed request for approval (e.g.
> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GvSIG_Budget_2019)
> A good idea is to focus on OSGeo participation, for example attending
> the AGM or OSGeo code sprint. Also keep in mind OSGeo goals as an
> organization, (e.g. interoperability goal: CITE compliance or
> participation developing new standards)
> We would like to ask you to help us with budget proposals to assist
> your project. This will help us set aside a realistic amount of funding.
> Please add your project info to the budget draft at:
> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Budget_2019
> ideally by January 14 ahead of our January board meeting.
> When making a budget request please keep in mind the vision and goals
> of our foundation, along with any obligations you wish to meet.
> Thank you and best wishes,
> On behalf of OSGeo Board,
> Angelos
l a t / l o n  GmbH
Aennchenstrasse 19                    53177 Bonn, Germany
phone ++49 +228 9477 9877             fax ++49 +228 9477 0154
http://www.lat-lon.de                 http://www.deegree.org

lat/lon gesellschaft für raumbezogene informationssysteme mbH
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 13042
Geschäftsführer: Jens Fitzke und Torsten Friebe

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