[pycsw-devel] OSGeo Incubation status

Tom Kralidis tomkralidis at gmail.com
Mon Sep 15 09:38:32 PDT 2014

All: at the code sprint in PDX, OSGeo incubation was discussed in detail.  We have been advised by Jody Garnett (Incubation Committee) to complete the incubation checklist for Jeff M (pycsw mentor) to submit to the Incubation Committee. We took a stab at updating this.  The project status and checklist links can be found at [1] and [2].

The items in [2] marked 'TODO' represent items to be completed per above, which are basically contributor agreements and a full copyright provenance review against the code.  This should include:

- code (Python files).  Running `find . -type f -name "*.py"|wc -l` tells me there are 39 Python files which need to be checked for proper copyright.  We also need to check for snippets of code that may have been used from various sources online (FYI there are a few places in the code like this with URL references and these are marked in the code)
- documentation: needs a license like Creative Commons (CC)
- website: I'm not sure if our website needs a CC-type license? Currently MIT
- OGC schemas: we bake the OGC schemas in the code and need to ensure proper identification/citation
- OGC CITE test data: we use the CITE CSW test data as part of testing and need to ensure proper identification/citation

Jeff M: can you do a code review based on the above bullets?  I have created a label called 'osgeo-incubation' within our issue tracker [3] so we can manage these issues accordingly. Let's see where we are for end of September submission.


[1] https://github.com/geopython/pycsw/wiki/Project-Status
[2] https://github.com/geopython/pycsw/wiki/Project-Graduation-Checklist
[3] https://github.com/geopython/pycsw/issues?q=label%3Aosgeo-incubation

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