[pygeoapi] Professional partner for pygeoapi

Tinkl Wolfgang Wolfgang.Tinkl at ama.gv.at
Wed Dec 7 07:14:46 PST 2022

Dear pygeoapi/osgeo Community,

Are you aware of companies, that are specializing in (or at least dealing with) pygeoapi, e.g. making pygeoapi developments and / or contributing to the core?

Thank you, best regards,

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

DI Wolfgang Tinkl
II/6/18 - INVEKOS Erfassung und Internet
Agrarmarkt Austria
Dresdner Straße 70
1200 Wien
Tel.: +43 050 3151-4712
E-Mail: wolfgang.tinkl at ama.gv.at<mailto:wolfgang.tinkl at ama.gv.at>
Internet: www.ama.at<http://www.ama.at/>

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