[pygeoapi] PSC vote: pygeoapi OGC - Processes Compliance

Tom Kralidis tomkralidis at gmail.com
Mon Apr 22 07:28:27 PDT 2024

Hi all: FYI given that pygeoapi now passes OGC CITE compliance  for OGC API
- Processes - Part 1: Core, we have the opportunity to register compliance
with OGC.

Note that we are usually provided Compliance / Reference Implementation for
no cost given our usual early adoption of the OGC standards, but in the OGC
API - Processes case the time has passed in order for this to happen.

The cost for compliance is 150 USD.  I propose we use our OSGeo budget for
this since pygeoapi is registered as an OSGeo project to OGC, as well as
the value in order to provide a badge on our website and communications.

If we have PSC consensus, the plan would be to apply for OGC API -
Processes compliance once we release 0.17.0 in June.

I will start with my +1.


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