[Pywps-dev] WebGIS development

Jorge Samuel Mendes de Jesus jorge.mendesdejesus at wur.nl
Fri Dec 9 04:46:08 PST 2016

Hi Lorenzo

It has been a while since I have done WebGIS development with WPS (I
miss it like the desert misses the rain).  In think OpenLayers 2 had
good WPS support (and PYWPS had a nice WPS.js plugin) and things were
integrated in the sense that you would build a class for the WPS service
and would just call methods to get things running or moving between.

Now we have Leaflet and OL3 that for what I know there is no specif WPS
plugins.  What you have to do is a call to the WPS service make it run
with some input that you submit, get the output back and add it to the
OL3/Leaflet. Therefore you not actually need a mapserver. In the old
pywps3 we have mapserver support where the pywps would return with  OWS
service that in some cases it would be easy.

Basically you have to build an a service call (ajax) wait for reply and
send output to some specific OL3/Leaflet class that will deal with the data

Is there someone with better/extra info, I am curious to know the
current state of the art ?


On 09-12-16 13:13, Lorenzo Bottaccioli wrote:
> Hi All,
> I need to build a WebGIS for executing and displaying the WPS service
> that I have build using PyWPS4. Can you give me suggestion for the
> framework develoment. I'm quite new to those things. From what I have
> understood I have to use Mapserver for exposign the results of the WPS
> and Openlayer for the client side. But I miss how to integrate
> everything together. Can you provide me some help?
> Best,
> Lorenzo
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