[QGIS Commit] r8545 - branches/advanced_printing_branch/src/app/composer

svn_qgis at osgeo.org svn_qgis at osgeo.org
Fri May 30 07:10:29 EDT 2008

Author: mhugent
Date: 2008-05-30 07:10:29 -0400 (Fri, 30 May 2008)
New Revision: 8545

More improvements to composer map, but there are still problems with the qt graphics view framework

Modified: branches/advanced_printing_branch/src/app/composer/qgscomposeritem.cpp
--- branches/advanced_printing_branch/src/app/composer/qgscomposeritem.cpp	2008-05-29 19:38:24 UTC (rev 8544)
+++ branches/advanced_printing_branch/src/app/composer/qgscomposeritem.cpp	2008-05-30 11:10:29 UTC (rev 8545)
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 #include "qgscomposeritem.h"
 #include <iostream>
+#include "qgsrect.h" //just for debugging
 QgsComposerItem::QgsComposerItem(QGraphicsItem* parent): QGraphicsRectItem(0), mBoundingResizeRectangle(0) 
@@ -96,19 +97,18 @@
   //set current position and type of mouse move action
   mMouseMoveStartPos = event->lastScenePos();
   mLastMouseEventPos = event->lastPos();
-  mCurrentMouseMoveAction = mouseMoveActionForPosition(event->lastPos());
+  mCurrentMouseMoveAction = mouseMoveActionForPosition(event->pos());
   //create and show bounding rectangle
-  mBoundingResizeRectangle = new QGraphicsRectItem(QGraphicsRectItem::rect(), 0);
+  mBoundingResizeRectangle = new QGraphicsRectItem(rect(), 0); //problem. Maybe set rect after adding to scene?
-  mBoundingResizeRectangle->moveBy(x(), y());
+  mBoundingResizeRectangle->setRect(rect());
   mBoundingResizeRectangle->setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
   mBoundingResizeRectangle->setPen( QPen(QColor(0,0,0), 0) );
-  //QGraphicsRectItem::setVisible(false);
 void QgsComposerItem::mouseReleaseEvent ( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event )
@@ -121,8 +121,6 @@
       mBoundingResizeRectangle = 0;
-  //QGraphicsRectItem::setVisible(true);
   QPointF mouseMoveStopPoint = event->lastScenePos();
   double diffX = mouseMoveStopPoint.x() - mMouseMoveStartPos.x();
   double diffY = mouseMoveStopPoint.y() - mMouseMoveStartPos.y();
@@ -135,9 +133,14 @@
   double mx, my, rx, ry;
   rectangleChange(diffX, diffY, mx, my, rx, ry);
-  moveBy(mx, my);
-  resize(rx, ry);
+  QRectF currentRect = rect();
+  QRectF newRect(currentRect.x() + mx, currentRect.y() + my, currentRect.width() + rx, currentRect.height() + ry);
+  setRect(newRect);
+  update();
+  scene()->update();
   //reset default action
   mCurrentMouseMoveAction = QgsComposerItem::moveItem;
@@ -182,10 +185,6 @@
 QgsComposerItem::mouseMoveAction QgsComposerItem::mouseMoveActionForPosition(const QPointF& itemCoordPos)
-  qWarning("mouseMoveAction: itemcoordpos: " );
-  qWarning(QString::number(itemCoordPos.x()).toLatin1());
-  qWarning(QString::number(itemCoordPos.y()).toLatin1());
   bool nearLeftBorder = false;
   bool nearRightBorder = false;
   bool nearLowerBorder = false;
@@ -199,11 +198,11 @@
       nearUpperBorder = true;
-  if(itemCoordPos.x() > (rect().right() - 5))
+  if(itemCoordPos.x() > (rect().width() - 5))
       nearRightBorder = true;
-  if(itemCoordPos.y() > (rect().bottom() - 5))
+  if(itemCoordPos.y() > (rect().height() - 5))
       nearLowerBorder = true;
@@ -292,24 +291,45 @@
 void QgsComposerItem::drawSelectionBoxes(QPainter* p)
-  //p->setPen( mComposition->selectionPen() );
-  //p->setBrush( mComposition->selectionBrush() );
   p->setPen(QPen(QColor(0, 0, 255)));
-  double s = 5;//mComposition->selectionBoxSize();
+  double s = 5;
   p->drawRect (QRectF(0, 0, s, s));
-  p->drawRect (QRectF(QGraphicsRectItem::rect().width() -s, 0, s, s));
-  p->drawRect (QRectF(QGraphicsRectItem::rect().width() -s, QGraphicsRectItem::rect().height() -s, s, s));
-  p->drawRect (QRectF(0, QGraphicsRectItem::rect().height() -s, s, s));
+  p->drawRect (QRectF(rect().width() -s, 0, s, s));
+  p->drawRect (QRectF(rect().width() -s, rect().height() -s, s, s));
+  p->drawRect (QRectF(0, rect().height() -s, s, s));
 void QgsComposerItem::drawFrame(QPainter* p)
-  QPen pen(QColor(0,0,0));
-  pen.setWidthF(1.0);
-  p->setPen( pen );
-  p->setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
+  p->setPen(pen());
   p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
-  p->drawRect (QRectF( 0, 0, QGraphicsRectItem::rect().width(), QGraphicsRectItem::rect().height() ));
+  p->drawRect (QRectF( 0, 0, rect().width(), rect().height()));
+void QgsComposerItem::setRect(const QRectF& rectangle)
+  QPointF zeroPointPos = pos();
+  prepareGeometryChange();
+  QGraphicsRectItem::setRect(rectangle);
+  //set (0/0) point of item coordinates to top left point again
+  //strange that Qt doesn't do that itself
+  moveBy(rectangle.x() - zeroPointPos.x(), rectangle.y() - zeroPointPos.y());
+  setVisible(true);
+  update();
+#if 0
+QRectF QgsComposerItem::boundingRect () const
+  return rect();
+#endif //0
+void QgsComposerItem::drawBackground(QPainter* p)
+  p->setBrush(brush());
+  p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
+  p->drawRect (QRectF( 0, 0, rect().width(), rect().height()));

Modified: branches/advanced_printing_branch/src/app/composer/qgscomposeritem.h
--- branches/advanced_printing_branch/src/app/composer/qgscomposeritem.h	2008-05-29 19:38:24 UTC (rev 8544)
+++ branches/advanced_printing_branch/src/app/composer/qgscomposeritem.h	2008-05-30 11:10:29 UTC (rev 8545)
@@ -84,6 +84,9 @@
     /** resizes an item in x- and y direction (canvas coordinates)*/
     virtual void resize(double dx, double dy){}
+    /**Sets new rect and adapts (0/0) point accordingly*/
+    virtual void setRect(const QRectF& rectangle);
     /** stores state in DOM node
      * @param node is DOM node corresponding to '???' tag
      * @param temp write template file
@@ -95,9 +98,12 @@
     virtual bool readXML( QDomNode & node );
+    //virtual QRectF boundingRect () const;
     QgsComposition::PlotStyle mPlotStyle;
     int mId;
     QgsComposerItem::mouseMoveAction mCurrentMouseMoveAction;
     /**Start point of the last mouse move action (in scene coordinates)*/
     QPointF mMouseMoveStartPos;
@@ -131,18 +137,15 @@
        @param rx out: width of rectangle should be resized by rx
        @param ry out: height of rectangle should be resized by ry*/
     void rectangleChange(double dx, double dy, double& mx, double& my, double& rx, double& ry) const;
-#if 0 //todo: implement on item level if not provided by graphics view
-    void drawBackground();
-    void drawOutline();
-    void drawSelectionBoxes();
-#endif //0
     /**Draw selection boxes around item*/
     void drawSelectionBoxes(QPainter* p);
     /**Draw black frame around item*/
     void drawFrame(QPainter* p);
+    /**Draw background*/
+    void drawBackground(QPainter* p);

Modified: branches/advanced_printing_branch/src/app/composer/qgscomposermap.cpp
--- branches/advanced_printing_branch/src/app/composer/qgscomposermap.cpp	2008-05-29 19:38:24 UTC (rev 8544)
+++ branches/advanced_printing_branch/src/app/composer/qgscomposermap.cpp	2008-05-30 11:10:29 UTC (rev 8545)
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include "qgsproject.h"
 #include "qgsmaprender.h"
 #include "qgsrendercontext.h"
+#include "qgsscalecalculator.h"
 #include "qgsvectorlayer.h"
 #include "qgslabel.h"
@@ -41,35 +42,40 @@
 QgsComposerMap::QgsComposerMap ( QgsComposition *composition, int id, int x, int y, int width, int height )
-  : /*QWidget(),*/ QgsComposerItem(0,0,width,height,0)
+  : /*QWidget(),*/ QgsComposerItem(x, y, width,height,0)
-    std::cout << "QgsComposerMap::QgsComposerMap()" << std::endl;
-    //setupUi(this);
     mComposition = composition;
     mId = id;
     mMapCanvas = mComposition->mapCanvas();
     mName = QString(tr("Map %1").arg(mId));
+    // Cache
+    mCacheUpdated = false;
-    init();
-    recalculate();
+    mCalculate = Scale;
+    //mPlotStyle = QgsComposition::Preview;
+    setPlotStyle ( QgsComposition::Preview );
+    mDrawing = false;
+    //calculate mExtent based on width/height ratio and map canvas extent
+    mExtent = mMapCanvas->extent();
+    setRect(QRectF(x, y, width, height));
+    QGraphicsRectItem::setZValue(20);
+    connect ( mMapCanvas, SIGNAL(layersChanged()), this, SLOT(mapCanvasChanged()) );
     // Add to scene
-    QGraphicsRectItem::setPos(x, y);
-    writeSettings();
+	    //writeSettings();
 QgsComposerMap::QgsComposerMap ( QgsComposition *composition, int id )
     : QgsComposerItem(0,0,10,10,0)
-  //setupUi(this);
     mComposition = composition;
     mId = id;
     mMapCanvas = mComposition->mapCanvas();
@@ -173,53 +179,20 @@
 void QgsComposerMap::cache ( void )
-    std::cout << "QgsComposerMap::cache()" << std::endl;
-    // Create preview on some reasonable size. It was slow with cca 1500x1500 points on 2x1.5GHz 
-    // Note: The resolution should also respect the line widths, it means that 
-    //       1 pixel in cache should have ia similar size as 1 pixel in canvas
-    //       but it can result in big cache -> limit
-    int w = (int)(QGraphicsRectItem::rect().width() * mComposition->viewScale());
-    w = w < 1000 ? w : 1000; //limit the cache pixmap to 1000 pixels wide
-    int h = (int) ( mExtent.height() * w / mExtent.width() );
-    // It can happen that extent is not initialised well -> check 
-    if ( h < 1 || h > 10000 ) h = w; 
-    std::cout << "extent = " << mExtent.width() <<  " x " << mExtent.height() << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "cache = " << w <<  " x " << h << std::endl;
-    mCacheExtent = QgsRect ( mExtent );
-    double scale = mExtent.width() / w;
-    mCacheExtent.setXmax ( mCacheExtent.xMin() + w * scale );
-    mCacheExtent.setYmax ( mCacheExtent.yMin() + h * scale );
+    int w = rect().width();
+    int h = rect().height();
     mCachePixmap = QPixmap( w, h );
+    double mupp = mExtent.width() / w;
     // WARNING: ymax in QgsMapToPixel is device height!!!
-    QgsMapToPixel transform(scale, h, mCacheExtent.yMin(), mCacheExtent.xMin() );
-//somthing about this transform isn't really what we want...
-/*Ideally, the cache pixmap wouldn't behave the same as the map canvas.
-* zooming in should make the lines become thicker, and symbols larger, rather than just
-* redrawing them to be n pixels wide.
-* We also want to make sure that changing the composition's resolution has the desired effect 
-* on both the cache, screen render, and print.
-    std::cout << "transform = " << transform.showParameters().toLocal8Bit().data() << std::endl;
+    QgsMapToPixel transform(mupp, h, mExtent.yMin(), mExtent.xMin() );
     QPainter p(&mCachePixmap);
-    draw( &p, mCacheExtent, QSize(w, h), mCachePixmap.logicalDpiX());
+    draw( &p, mExtent, QSize(w, h), mCachePixmap.logicalDpiX());
     mNumCachedLayers = mMapCanvas->layerCount();
@@ -235,6 +208,8 @@
   mDrawing = true;
+  painter->setClipRect (QRectF( 0, 0, QGraphicsRectItem::rect().width(), QGraphicsRectItem::rect().height() ));
   std::cout << "QgsComposerMapt::paint mPlotStyle = " << plotStyle() 
             << " mPreviewMode = " << mPreviewMode << std::endl;
@@ -277,7 +252,6 @@
       QRectF bRect = boundingRect();
       QSize theSize(bRect.width(), bRect.height());
-      painter->setClipRect (QRectF( 0, 0, QGraphicsRectItem::rect().width(), QGraphicsRectItem::rect().height() ));
       draw( painter, mExtent, theSize, 25.4); //scene coordinates seem to be in mm
@@ -552,7 +526,14 @@
     mCacheUpdated = u;
-double QgsComposerMap::scale ( void ) { return mScale; }
+//double QgsComposerMap::scale ( void ) { return mScale; }
+double QgsComposerMap::scale()
+  QgsScaleCalculator calculator;
+  calculator.setMapUnits(mMapCanvas->mapUnits());
+  calculator.setDpi(25.4);  //QGraphicsView units are mm
+  return calculator.calculate(mExtent, rect().width());
 QWidget *QgsComposerMap::options ( void )
@@ -668,15 +649,36 @@
 void QgsComposerMap::resize(double dx, double dy)
-  QRectF currentRect = QGraphicsRectItem::rect();
+  QRectF currentRect = rect();
   QRectF newRect = QRectF(currentRect.x(), currentRect.y(), currentRect.width() + dx, currentRect.height() + dy);
-  setRect(newRect);
+  setRect(newRect); 
-void QgsComposerMap::setRect(const QRectF rectangle)
+void QgsComposerMap::setRect(const QRectF& rectangle)
-  QGraphicsRectItem::setRect(rectangle);
-  recalculate();
+  double w = rectangle.width();
+  double h = rectangle.height();
+  prepareGeometryChange();
+  //debug
+  qWarning("QgsComposerMap::setRect");
+  QgsRect debugRect(rectangle.left(), rectangle.top(), rectangle.right(), rectangle.bottom());
+  qWarning(debugRect.stringRep().latin1());
+  QgsComposerItem::setRect(rectangle);
+  QGraphicsRectItem::update();
+  double newHeight = mExtent.width() * h / w ;
+  mExtent = QgsRect(mExtent.xMin(), mExtent.yMin(), mExtent.xMax(), mExtent.yMin() + newHeight);
   emit extentChanged();
+void QgsComposerMap::setNewExtent(const QgsRect& extent)
+  //soon...
+void QgsComposerMap::setNewScale(double scaleDenominator)
+  //soon...

Modified: branches/advanced_printing_branch/src/app/composer/qgscomposermap.h
--- branches/advanced_printing_branch/src/app/composer/qgscomposermap.h	2008-05-29 19:38:24 UTC (rev 8544)
+++ branches/advanced_printing_branch/src/app/composer/qgscomposermap.h	2008-05-30 11:10:29 UTC (rev 8545)
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
     void resize(double dx, double dy);
     /**Sets new rect and does recalculate*/
-    void setRect(const QRectF rectangle);
+    void setRect(const QRectF& rectangle);
     /** \brief Scale */
     double scale ( void );
@@ -229,6 +229,11 @@
     /** \brief calculate mUserScale from mScale */
     double userScaleFromScale ( double s );
+    /**Sets new Extent and changes only width and height*/
+    void setNewExtent(const QgsRect& extent);
+    /**Sets new scale and changes only mExtent*/
+    void setNewScale(double scaleDenominator);

Modified: branches/advanced_printing_branch/src/app/composer/qgscomposermapwidget.cpp
--- branches/advanced_printing_branch/src/app/composer/qgscomposermapwidget.cpp	2008-05-29 19:38:24 UTC (rev 8544)
+++ branches/advanced_printing_branch/src/app/composer/qgscomposermapwidget.cpp	2008-05-30 11:10:29 UTC (rev 8545)
@@ -72,7 +72,8 @@
       QRectF composerMapRect = mComposerMap->rect();
-      mComposerMap->resize(composerMapRect.width(), newHeight);
+      QRectF newRect(composerMapRect.x(), composerMapRect.y(), composerMapRect.width(), newHeight);
+      mComposerMap->setRect(newRect);

Modified: branches/advanced_printing_branch/src/app/composer/qgscomposerview.cpp
--- branches/advanced_printing_branch/src/app/composer/qgscomposerview.cpp	2008-05-29 19:38:24 UTC (rev 8544)
+++ branches/advanced_printing_branch/src/app/composer/qgscomposerview.cpp	2008-05-30 11:10:29 UTC (rev 8545)
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@
     setResizeAnchor ( QGraphicsView::AnchorViewCenter );
 void QgsComposerView::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* e)

Modified: branches/advanced_printing_branch/src/app/composer/qgscomposition.cpp
--- branches/advanced_printing_branch/src/app/composer/qgscomposition.cpp	2008-05-29 19:38:24 UTC (rev 8544)
+++ branches/advanced_printing_branch/src/app/composer/qgscomposition.cpp	2008-05-30 11:10:29 UTC (rev 8545)
@@ -249,7 +249,10 @@
 	    if(selectedItem != mSelectedItem)
-		mSelectedItem->setSelected(false);
+		if(mSelectedItem)
+		  {
+		    mSelectedItem->setSelected(false);
+		  }
 		mSelectedItem = selectedItem;
@@ -440,10 +443,10 @@
   switch ( mTool ) {
     case AddMap: // mToolStep should be always 1 but rectangle can be 0 size
-        int x = (int) mRectangleItem->rect().x();//use doubles?
-        int y = (int) mRectangleItem->rect().y();
-        int w = (int)mRectangleItem->rect().width();
-        int h = (int)mRectangleItem->rect().height();
+        double x = mRectangleItem->rect().x();//use doubles?
+        double y = mRectangleItem->rect().y();
+        double w = mRectangleItem->rect().width();
+        double h = mRectangleItem->rect().height();
         delete mRectangleItem;
         mRectangleItem = 0;
@@ -459,7 +462,7 @@
 	    m->setPos(x, y);
-	    m->setUserExtent( mMapCanvas->extent());
+	    //m->setUserExtent( mMapCanvas->extent());
 	    m->setSelected ( true );

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