[QGIS Commit] r10629 - in trunk/qgis/mac/xcode: . Qgis.xcodeproj

svn_qgis at osgeo.org svn_qgis at osgeo.org
Wed Apr 22 23:53:21 EDT 2009

Author: kyngchaos
Date: 2009-04-22 23:53:20 -0400 (Wed, 22 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 10629

handle Qt debug variants; basic debug help

Modified: trunk/qgis/mac/xcode/Qgis.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
--- trunk/qgis/mac/xcode/Qgis.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj	2009-04-22 21:53:01 UTC (rev 10628)
+++ trunk/qgis/mac/xcode/Qgis.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj	2009-04-23 03:53:20 UTC (rev 10629)
@@ -8314,6 +8314,12 @@
 		72A56C040F3C887000BA32A1 /* libdxf2shpconverterplugin.so */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = "compiled.mach-o.executable"; includeInIndex = 0; path = libdxf2shpconverterplugin.so; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
 		72A56C0F0F3C887300BA32A1 /* libogrconverterplugin.so */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = "compiled.mach-o.executable"; includeInIndex = 0; path = libogrconverterplugin.so; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
 		72A56DA30F3CCAF700BA32A1 /* libplugin.so */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = "compiled.mach-o.executable"; includeInIndex = 0; path = libplugin.so; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
+		72B4DDC30F9F4C0D009351FE /* qgis_help.1 */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.man; name = qgis_help.1; path = ../../qgis_help.1; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
+		72B4DDC40F9F4C0D009351FE /* qgis.1 */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.man; name = qgis.1; path = ../../qgis.1; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
+		72B4DDC50F9F4C0D009351FE /* qgis.dtd */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.xml; name = qgis.dtd; path = ../../qgis.dtd; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
+		72B4DDC60F9F4C0D009351FE /* Exception_to_GPL_for_Qt.txt */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; name = Exception_to_GPL_for_Qt.txt; path = ../../Exception_to_GPL_for_Qt.txt; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
+		72B4DDC70F9F4C0D009351FE /* Doxyfile */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; name = Doxyfile; path = ../../Doxyfile; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
+		72B4DDC80F9F4C0D009351FE /* ChangeLog */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; name = ChangeLog; path = ../../ChangeLog; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
 		72B957270F45C24200E3FF98 /* ReadMe.rtf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.rtf; path = ReadMe.rtf; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
 		72D232D30F4A206E000B9039 /* qgis_user-template.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; path = "qgis_user-template.xcconfig"; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
 		72E9A3B50F5AE5BD00E78E3C /* qgscomposerview.sip */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = qgscomposerview.sip; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
@@ -8898,6 +8904,12 @@
 				7256F2DD0F4147890022BE1F /* SPONSORS */,
 				7256F2DC0F4147890022BE1F /* TODO */,
 				7299E8B70F90EFB9002F58DE /* TRANSLATORS */,
+				72B4DDC30F9F4C0D009351FE /* qgis_help.1 */,
+				72B4DDC40F9F4C0D009351FE /* qgis.1 */,
+				72B4DDC50F9F4C0D009351FE /* qgis.dtd */,
+				72B4DDC60F9F4C0D009351FE /* Exception_to_GPL_for_Qt.txt */,
+				72B4DDC70F9F4C0D009351FE /* Doxyfile */,
+				72B4DDC80F9F4C0D009351FE /* ChangeLog */,
 			name = Sources;
 			sourceTree = "<group>";
@@ -14242,7 +14254,7 @@
 			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
 			shellPath = /bin/sh;
-			shellScript = "# Note: assumes default Qt binary framework install\n\nAPPDIRC=\"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH\" # app contents\nAPPDIR=\"$APPDIRC/MacOS\"\nFWDIR=\"$APPDIR/$QGIS_FW_SUBDIR\"\nLIBDIR=\"$APPDIR/$QGIS_LIB_SUBDIR\"\nQGISPYDIR=\"$APPDIR/$QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR/python\"\n\n# copy Qt frameworks\nmkdir -p \"$FWDIR\"\nfor q in $QTLISTQG\ndo\n\tif [ ! -d \"$FWDIR/$q.framework\" ] ; then\n\t\tcp -Rf \"/Library/Frameworks/$q.framework\" \"$FWDIR\"\n\t\trm -f \"$FWDIR/$q.framework/$q.prl\"\n\t\t# Qt headers might be useful?\n\t\trm -f \"$FWDIR/$q.framework/Headers\"\n\t\trm -Rf \"$FWDIR/$q.framework/Versions/$QT_FWVER/Headers\"\n\tfi\ndone\n\n# copy Qt plugins\nmkdir -p \"$APPDIRC/PlugIns/imageformats\"\nif [ ! -f \"$APPDIRC/PlugIns/imageformats/libqjpeg.dylib\" ] ; then\n\tcp -f \"$QT_PLUGINS_DIR/imageformats/libqjpeg.dylib\" \"$APPDIRC/PlugIns/imageformats/\"\nfi\n\n# PyQt path based on PYTHON_FORM\n\nif [ \"$PYSITE\" ] ; then\n\tmkdir -p \"$QGISPYDIR/PyQt$QT_FWVER\"\n\tif [ ! -f \"$QGISPYDIR/sip.so\" ] ; then\n\t\tcp -f \"$PYSITE/sip.so\" \"$PYSITE/sipconfig.py\" \"$QGISPYDIR/\"\n\tfi\n\tfor q in $PYQTLIST\n\tdo\n\t\tif [ ! -f \"$QGISPYDIR/PyQt$QT_FWVER/$q.so\" ] ; then\n\t\t\tcp -f \"$PYSITE/PyQt$QT_FWVER/$q.so\" \"$QGISPYDIR/PyQt$QT_FWVER/\"\n\t\tfi\n\tdone\n\tcp -f \"$PYSITE/PyQt$QT_FWVER/\"*.py \"$QGISPYDIR/PyQt$QT_FWVER/\"\nfi\n\n# just in case no plugins were compiled\nmkdir -p \"$APPDIR/$QGIS_PLUGIN_SUBDIR\"\n# list plugins & libs\ncd \"$APPDIR/$QGIS_PLUGIN_SUBDIR\"\npluglist=`ls`\ncd \"$APPDIR/$QGIS_LIB_SUBDIR\"\nqgliblist=`ls *.dylib`\n\n# main Qt framework loop\n\ncd \"$APPDIR\"\n\nfor q in $QTLISTQG\ndo\n\tqq=\"$q.framework/Versions/$QT_FWVER/$q\"\n\t# app\n\tinstall_name_tool -change $qq @executable_path/$QGIS_FW_SUBDIR/$qq \"$APPDIR/Qgis\"\n\t# bin\n\t# qgis_help qt linking done with symlinks\n\tinstall_name_tool -change $qq @executable_path/$QGIS_FW_SUBDIR/$qq \"$APPDIR/$QGIS_BIN_SUBDIR/qgis_help.app/Contents/MacOS/qgis_help\"\n\t# libs\n\tfor ql in $qgliblist\n\tdo\n\t\tinstall_name_tool -change $qq @executable_path/$QGIS_FW_SUBDIR/$qq \"$APPDIR/$QGIS_LIB_SUBDIR/$ql\"\n\tdone\n\t# plugins\n\tfor qp in $pluglist\n\tdo\n\t\tinstall_name_tool -change $qq @executable_path/$QGIS_FW_SUBDIR/$qq \"$APPDIR/$QGIS_PLUGIN_SUBDIR/$qp\"\n\tdone\n\t# qt fw\n\tfor qf in $QTLISTQG\n\tdo\n\t\tinstall_name_tool -change $qq @executable_path/$QGIS_FW_SUBDIR/$qq \"$APPDIR/$QGIS_FW_SUBDIR/$qf.framework/Versions/$QT_FWVER/$qf\"\n\tdone\n\t# qt plugs\n\tinstall_name_tool -change $qq @executable_path/$QGIS_FW_SUBDIR/$qq \"$APPDIRC/PlugIns/imageformats/libqjpeg.dylib\"\n\t# PyQt\n\tif [ \"$PYSITE\" ] ; then\n\tfor pq in $PYQTLIST\n\t\tdo\n\t\t\tinstall_name_tool -change $qq @executable_path/$QGIS_FW_SUBDIR/$qq \"$QGISPYDIR/PyQt$QT_FWVER/$pq.so\"\n\t\tdone\n\t\tinstall_name_tool -change $qq @executable_path/$QGIS_FW_SUBDIR/$qq \"$QGISPYDIR/qgis/core.so\"\n\t\tinstall_name_tool -change $qq @executable_path/$QGIS_FW_SUBDIR/$qq \"$QGISPYDIR/qgis/gui.so\"\n\tfi\ndone\n";
+			shellScript = "# Note: assumes default Qt binary framework install\n\nAPPDIRC=\"$QGIS_BUILD_PATH\" # app contents\nAPPDIR=\"$APPDIRC/MacOS\"\nFWDIR=\"$APPDIR/$QGIS_FW_SUBDIR\"\nLIBDIR=\"$APPDIR/$QGIS_LIB_SUBDIR\"\nQGISPYDIR=\"$APPDIR/$QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR/python\"\n\n# copy Qt frameworks\nmkdir -p \"$FWDIR\"\nfor q in $QTLISTQG\ndo\n\tif [ ! -d \"$FWDIR/$q.framework\" ] ; then\n\t\t# reconstruct framework to avoid excessive copying, then deleting\n\t\t#   especially when debug variants are present\n\t\tmkdir -p \"$FWDIR/$q.framework/Versions/$QT_FWVER\"\n\t\tln -sfh $QT_FWVER \"$FWDIR/$q.framework/Versions/Current\"\n\t\tcp -f \"/Library/Frameworks/$q.framework/$q\" \"$FWDIR/$q.framework/Versions/$QT_FWVER/\"\n\t\tln -sf Versions/Current/$q \"$FWDIR/$q.framework/$q\"\n\t\tif [ -d \"/Library/Frameworks/$q.framework/Versions/$QT_FWVER/Resources\" ] ; then\n\t\t\tcp -Rf \"/Library/Frameworks/$q.framework/Versions/$QT_FWVER/Resources\" \"$FWDIR/$q.framework/Versions/$QT_FWVER\"\n\t\t\tln -sfh Versions/Current/Resources \"$FWDIR/$q.framework/Resources\"\n\t\tfi\n\t\t# debug variants\n\t\tqd=$q\"_debug\"\n\t\tif [ \"$CONFIGURATION\" = \"Debug\" ] && [ -f \"/Library/Frameworks/$q.framework/Versions/$QT_FWVER/$qd\" ] ; then\n\t\t\tcp -f \"/Library/Frameworks/$q.framework/Versions/$QT_FWVER/$qd\" \"$FWDIR/$q.framework/Versions/$QT_FWVER/\"\n\t\t\tln -sf Versions/Current/$qd \"$FWDIR/$q.framework/$qd\"\n\t\t\tif [ -d \"/Library/Frameworks/$q.framework/$qd.dSYM\" ] ; then\n\t\t\t\tcp -Rf \"/Library/Frameworks/$q.framework/$qd.dSYM\" \"$FWDIR/$q.framework\"\n\t\t\tfi\n\t\tfi\n\tfi\ndone\n\n# copy Qt plugins\nmkdir -p \"$APPDIRC/PlugIns/imageformats\"\nif [ ! -f \"$APPDIRC/PlugIns/imageformats/libqjpeg.dylib\" ] ; then\n\tcp -f \"$QT_PLUGINS_DIR/imageformats/libqjpeg.dylib\" \"$APPDIRC/PlugIns/imageformats/\"\nfi\n\n# PyQt path based on PYTHON_FORM\n\nif [ \"$PYSITE\" ] ; then\n\tmkdir -p \"$QGISPYDIR/PyQt$QT_FWVER\"\n\tif [ ! -f \"$QGISPYDIR/sip.so\" ] ; then\n\t\tcp -f \"$PYSITE/sip.so\" \"$PYSITE/sipconfig.py\" \"$QGISPYDIR/\"\n\tfi\n\tfor q in $PYQTLIST\n\tdo\n\t\tif [ ! -f \"$QGISPYDIR/PyQt$QT_FWVER/$q.so\" ] ; then\n\t\t\tcp -f \"$PYSITE/PyQt$QT_FWVER/$q.so\" \"$QGISPYDIR/PyQt$QT_FWVER/\"\n\t\tfi\n\tdone\n\tcp -f \"$PYSITE/PyQt$QT_FWVER/\"*.py \"$QGISPYDIR/PyQt$QT_FWVER/\"\nfi\n\n# just in case no plugins were compiled\nmkdir -p \"$APPDIR/$QGIS_PLUGIN_SUBDIR\"\n# list plugins & libs\ncd \"$APPDIR/$QGIS_PLUGIN_SUBDIR\"\npluglist=`ls`\ncd \"$APPDIR/$QGIS_LIB_SUBDIR\"\nqgliblist=`ls *.dylib`\n\n# main Qt framework loop\n\ncd \"$APPDIR\"\n\nfor q in $QTLISTQG\ndo\n\tqq=\"$q.framework/Versions/$QT_FWVER/$q\"\n\t# app\n\tinstall_name_tool -change $qq @executable_path/$QGIS_FW_SUBDIR/$qq \"$APPDIR/Qgis\"\n\t# bin\n\t# qgis_help qt linking done with symlinks\n\tinstall_name_tool -change $qq @executable_path/$QGIS_FW_SUBDIR/$qq \"$APPDIR/$QGIS_BIN_SUBDIR/qgis_help.app/Contents/MacOS/qgis_help\"\n\t# libs\n\tfor ql in $qgliblist\n\tdo\n\t\tinstall_name_tool -change $qq @executable_path/$QGIS_FW_SUBDIR/$qq \"$APPDIR/$QGIS_LIB_SUBDIR/$ql\"\n\tdone\n\t# plugins\n\tfor qp in $pluglist\n\tdo\n\t\tinstall_name_tool -change $qq @executable_path/$QGIS_FW_SUBDIR/$qq \"$APPDIR/$QGIS_PLUGIN_SUBDIR/$qp\"\n\tdone\n\t# qt fw\n\tfor qf in $QTLISTQG\n\tdo\n\t\tinstall_name_tool -change $qq @executable_path/$QGIS_FW_SUBDIR/$qq \"$APPDIR/$QGIS_FW_SUBDIR/$qf.framework/Versions/$QT_FWVER/$qf\"\n\tdone\n\t# qt plugs\n\tinstall_name_tool -change $qq @executable_path/$QGIS_FW_SUBDIR/$qq \"$APPDIRC/PlugIns/imageformats/libqjpeg.dylib\"\n\t# PyQt\n\tif [ \"$PYSITE\" ] ; then\n\tfor pq in $PYQTLIST\n\t\tdo\n\t\t\tinstall_name_tool -change $qq @executable_path/$QGIS_FW_SUBDIR/$qq \"$QGISPYDIR/PyQt$QT_FWVER/$pq.so\"\n\t\tdone\n\t\tinstall_name_tool -change $qq @executable_path/$QGIS_FW_SUBDIR/$qq \"$QGISPYDIR/qgis/core.so\"\n\t\tinstall_name_tool -change $qq @executable_path/$QGIS_FW_SUBDIR/$qq \"$QGISPYDIR/qgis/gui.so\"\n\tfi\ndone\n";
 			showEnvVarsInLog = 0;
 /* End PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */

Modified: trunk/qgis/mac/xcode/ReadMe.rtf
--- trunk/qgis/mac/xcode/ReadMe.rtf	2009-04-22 21:53:01 UTC (rev 10628)
+++ trunk/qgis/mac/xcode/ReadMe.rtf	2009-04-23 03:53:20 UTC (rev 10629)
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 \b0\fs24 \cf0 \
-\i \cf0 2.1.4	2009-3-25\
+\i \cf0 2.1.7	2009-4-22\
 \i0 \cf0 \
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 \ul QGIS source\ulnone \
-\ul Qt 4.4 frameworks\ulnone \
+\ul Qt 4.4+ frameworks\ulnone  - install debug version if desired (may require a separate installer download)\
 \ul GDAL library or framework\ulnone  - a universal GDAL.framework is available.\
@@ -216,14 +216,14 @@
 \b Build Targets
 \b0 \
-\cf0 \ul Full QGIS\ulnone   will build Qgis with Python support and all default and optional plugins.\
+The \ul Full QGIS\ulnone   target will build Qgis with Python support and all default and optional plugins.\
 Xcode doesn't have a way to conditionally build targets, just code within sources (with standard macro switches).  It 
 \i will
 \i0  try to keep building as much as it can after errors.  The last target built is the Qgis application itself, which has all the bundling and cleanup steps.  So, if a dependency is missing for a plugin, it will have errors and fail to build, then the app bundling and cleanup will work with what succeeded.\
-\ul Cleaning\ulnone  - to clean the project 
+\cf0 \ul Cleaning\ulnone  - to clean the project 
 \b Clean All
 \b0 .  This actually leaves qgsconfig.h and qgssvnversion.h in the build folder.\
@@ -241,6 +241,26 @@
 \f0\fs24  folder.\
+\b \cf0 Debugging\
+\b0 \cf0 \
+\cf0 There are 2 "configurations" - \ul Release\ulnone  and \ul Debug\ulnone .  Use the Release configuration unless you have a need to debug Qgis.\
+The Debug configuration will use the debug version of Qt, if installed, but that is not required.  To use the debug Qt frameworks, you must change a setting before starting the debugger: in the 
+\b Executables
+\b0  section of the left pane of the main project window, select the Qgis item and 
+\b Get Info
+\b0 .  In the 
+\b General
+\b0  tab of the info window, select \ul Use debug suffix when loading frameworks\ulnone .\
+See the Xcode documentation for more info on using the debugger.\
 \cf0 - William Kyngesburye\

Modified: trunk/qgis/mac/xcode/qgis_settings.xcconfig
--- trunk/qgis/mac/xcode/qgis_settings.xcconfig	2009-04-22 21:53:01 UTC (rev 10628)
+++ trunk/qgis/mac/xcode/qgis_settings.xcconfig	2009-04-23 03:53:20 UTC (rev 10629)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 // QGIS Xcode project common build settings
 // SDK not required for native universal build, but recommended,
 // and allows building multiple SDK builds side-by-side
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
 GRASS_PREFIX_app = /Applications/GRASS-$(GRASS_VERSION).app/Contents/MacOS
 GRASS_PREFIX_unix = /usr/local/grass-$(GRASS_VERSION)
-PYSITE_fw = $(PYTHON_PREFIX)/lib/python$(PYTHON_VERSION)/site-packages
+PYSITE_fw = $(PYTHON_PREFIX_fw)/Versions/$(PYTHON_VERSION)/lib/python$(PYTHON_VERSION)/site-packages
 EXPAT_PREFIX = /usr/local // not used for system expat

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