[Qgis-community-team] Re: QGIS 1.0.0 - Call for packaging

Tim Sutton tim at linfiniti.com
Sun Dec 21 13:13:03 EST 2008

Hi Borys

If you already committed it to the 1.0.0 branch I suggest to just
leave it there and then also make the .qm file available for cases
where packagers may be using the src bundle I prepared or a checkout
from prior to your commit.

best regards


On 12/20/08, Tim Sutton <tim at linfiniti.com> wrote:
> Dear QGIS devs & packagers
> --- Note to casual readers ---
> Please do not pre-announce this release - give the packagers and release
> team a chance to do their thing so that people hearing about the release
> have a fair chance of finding a package, reading all our press material
> etc.
> --- End note ---
> Today I have branched 1.0.0. It would be great if you can assist by
> making packages for your preferred platform. The branch can be checked
> out at:
> svn co https://svn.osgeo.org/qgis/branches/Release-1_0_0 svn qgis-1.0.0
> Please do not commit anything to the branch except packaging related
> tweaks. Source packages will be made available shortly. The release
> checklist at :
> http://wiki.qgis.org/qgiswiki/ReleaseChecklist1.0.0
> Has a list of people who have previously made packages. If you make a
> package for 1.0.0 please be so kind as to add the url to that wiki page
> in the section provided so that we can gather all the url packages in a
> systematic way. If you are able to make packages for unlisted
> platforms / distros please let me know so that we can avoid duplication
> of effort.
> I would like to make the release announcement around the 28th or 29th
> Dec 2008, so it will be great to have as many packages as possible ready
> by then.
> SVN Unstable (Trunk) is open again for general commits.
> SVN Stable (the 1.0.x branch) is open for minor tweaks and bug fixes
> only. No new features should be added without prior consultation with
> the developer list (but your request to add a new feature will probably
> be refused).
> Please not that we are aiming to do the next unstable (QGIS 1.1.0)
> release within two months or so (timetable to be determined) and you
> should not make any major feature changes without prior discussion with
> PSC and Dev list.
> Many thanks to all the developers, testers, bug fixers, bug reporters,
> document writers, translators and users that help to make QGIS a
> reality.
> For a glimpse at just how much work has gone into this release (278
> tickets closed!), head over to:
> https://trac.osgeo.org/qgis/milestone/Version%201.0.0
> Best regards
> --
> Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release  Manager)
> ==============================================
> Visit http://linfiniti.com to find out about:
>  * QGIS programming services
>  * Mapserver and PostGIS based hosting plans
>  * FOSS Consulting & Support Services
> Skype: timlinux Irc: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net
> ==============================================

Sent from my mobile device

Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release  Manager)
Visit http://linfiniti.com to find out about:
 * QGIS programming services
 * Mapserver and PostGIS based hosting plans
 * FOSS Consulting Services
Skype: timlinux Irc: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net

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