[Qgis-community-team] Re: Internationalisation of Cookbook and User Manual

Alexander Bruy alexander.bruy at gmail.com
Fri Mar 23 05:38:18 EDT 2012


I think we should keep both possibilities: offline and online
translation. Situation when there is a time for translating but no
internet access is still quite common

2012/3/23 Paolo Corti <pcorti at gmail.com>:
> I can figure out two approach for managing the edit of the *.po files:
> * a very basic workflow, where each translator will use her/his
> favourite editor (vi/gedit/notepad whatever), modify the *.po files
> and then commit to git
> * put in production a web application like Pootle [1], that will
> provide a very convenient user interface for translators, and provide
> at the same time useful stats regarding the ongoing translations. In
> this case we will have a scheduled job getting latest version of
> .rst/.po files and commit them to git (note that using this approach
> we will avoid to translators the git overhead as well).

Alexander Bruy

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