[Qgis-community-team] QGIS Community Meeting feedback for Essen, October 2012

Otto Dassau dassau at gbd-consult.de
Tue Oct 16 07:06:10 PDT 2012

Dear QGIS Community,

based on the wiki entries I added a website with a few notes on our recent
hackfest / community meeting in Essen from 3-7 October:


If others have posted similar articles about their experiences or pics it
would be great to add a link to this page. I already added a few.

The QGIS Porject just wanted to say publically a very big THANK YOU to our
sponsors and to everyone who donates to the QGIS project - your funding
allows us to hold these meetings which really help the project to keep its

Looking forward to the next one! 


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