[Qgis-community-team] QGIS Training Manual 2.0

George Irwin george at linfiniti.com
Wed Nov 27 07:29:12 PST 2013

Thanks Victor - Richard has kindly offered to pull the training manual into the QGIS-Documentation docs-tree. Perhaps we should start writing issues as soon as that is done? It might be a bit cart-before-horse to have the issues without the code!

Richard - I’m happy to follow your instructions regarding getting the training manual into the docs-tree if that helps you?

Thanks very much


George Irwin
Project and Client Manager
Linfiniti Consulting
+27 (0)76 013 6355
Skype: georgeirwin22

On 27 Nov 2013, at 17:14 , Victor Olaya <volayaf at gmail.com> wrote:

> Sounds good to me. Multiple tags are a good idea, because one might
> work in a chapter doing different tasks: first, reviewing an updating
> the text, then working on the screenshots, then extending  the
> example...
> With that and commenting on github issue, we should be able to
> coordinate the work.
> Let me know if you want me to start filling issues already
> Cheers
> 2013/11/27 George Irwin <george at linfiniti.com>:
>> Victor,
>> I have created labels in the QGIS-Documentation issue tracker for organising
>> the issues. Unfortunately, the labels on each issue might pile up quite
>> quickly, but I can’t see a more efficient way of doing it within the
>> confines of the GitHub issue tracker.
>> There’s a Training Manual label, a label for each chapter, then a label for
>> Text, Screenshots, Translation and Sample Data. Also an In Progress label.
>> This might seem like a lot (it is), but this will mean that any contributor
>> can quickly establish whether the Text for Ch 1 is already being worked
>> on/assigned. Or whether the screenshots for Ch 8 are already done.
>> I think we should keep the issues at as high a level as possible and use the
>> comments and to define/discuss/notify of subtasks (e.g. typos in Ch 2).  We
>> can use GitHub’s - [ ] markdown to add subtasks to the issue’s description
>> as subtasks are identified in the comments.
>> I hope that makes sense? Please do suggest alternatives if not.
>> George
>> George Irwin
>> Project and Client Manager
>> Linfiniti Consulting
>> http://www.linfiniti.com
>> +27 (0)76 013 6355
>> Skype: georgeirwin22
>> On 26 Nov 2013, at 09:46 , Victor Olaya <volayaf at gmail.com> wrote:
>> George
>> Do you plan on using anythin for organizing the work and assigning
>> tasks? Like, let's says that I want to start now to rewrite chapter 1
>> or re-do screenshots in chapter 2. How do I let others know? That
>> would be good to avoid repeated work and, specially, to know what is
>> left an what is already done.
>> I think we could use git hub issues in the QGIS-doc repo. I can
>> volunteer to create a list of issues with all the (many) things to do.
>> Cheers
>> 2013/11/26 George Irwin <george at linfiniti.com>:
>> Good morning Paolo,
>> Thanks for the suggestion - it seems like a very good one to me (and Tim).
>> That way we can take advantage of the Sphinx setup/theme from the word go
>> (quite apart from the other advantages). If no-one has any objections, I
>> think that’s what we should do?
>> I’ll plan to work on a branch of QGIS-Documentation - I see there is already
>> a training_manual branch last authored a year ago by Alex Bruy. Alex - do
>> you still have something in mind for that branch or can we replace/update?
>> George
>> On 25 Nov 2013, at 17:11 , Paolo Cavallini <cavallini at faunalia.it> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Il 25/11/2013 11:19, George Irwin ha scritto:
>> My first task is to start work on porting the QGIS Training Manual to QGIS
>> 2.0.
>> As an aside, I plan to work in a branch of the
>> repository on github, with nightly builds pushed to an accessible server -
>> advice
>> on this front also welcome!
>> IMHO better to put it in
>> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Documentation
>> or some branch of it, from the beginning.
>> better integrating it earlier than later (which often translates into
>> "never").
>> I'll be glad of collaborating, thiugh my time is severely limited.
>> all the best.
>> - --
>> Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.eu
>> Corsi QGIS e PostGIS: http://www.faunalia.eu/training.html
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