[Qgis-community-team] sextante documentation

matteo matteo.ghetta at gmail.com
Fri Sep 13 12:13:41 PDT 2013

Hi guys,

we are now at the hackfest and we are starting to write the 
documentation of all the processing (sextante) algorithms. If you want 
to contribute the method is quite simple (you have to be just a little 
bit practical with git):
- fork the repository of Victor (https://github.com/volaya/SEXTANTE-Help)
- the repository is divided into folders of the algorithms providers 
(qgis, grass, saga....)
- choose a help file you want to write: you can either clone the 
repository on your computer and use a text editor or you can directly 
use the text editor of github (maybe the simpler method)
- follow the 2 example files written by Victor 
) and the short how-to 
- the files are restructuredtext (.rst), so be aware to the syntax if 
you want to add some pictures or link or other stuff (just compare the 
examples of Victor and those of the how-to). If you have some question, 
just ask!
- once done: commit the file, push it and make a pull request

That's it!

If you are not familiar with git (the first impact could be 
devastating), just ask and MAYBE I can help you. Some suggestions here 

BTW: all the grass algorithms have already a documentation, so we don't 
need to improve this part. The qgis and otb algorithms are already quite 
good explained in the manual, so you can just copy the description and 
fill the fields of the rst file.
PROBLEM: how can we avoid that two or more people works on the same 
file? The idea is that everyone choose a category of a sextante provider 
(example, Saga -> Shapes -> Points) and write an email to the others.

Feel free to make any suggestion and questions.

One more thing. Especially for Saga, Victor needs help for proving the 
validity of the algorithms. If you have time, this is the way to do 
these "unit test".
- open the python console in qgis (under the plugin menu)
- write *import processing
*-**and *processing.loadTestData()*
- these 2 commands will load the sample dataset of sextante; unit tests 
have to be done *only on these layers
*- run the algorithm, *but you have to save the file as a REAL FILE (not 
a temporary one)
*- be**sure that the algorithm runs correctly
- go on *processing menu* and open the *history and log *window
- under *algorithm* choose the algorithm you ran (watch the time)
- right click and open the *unit test dialog
*- copy and paste the entire code in a text file (you can paste 
different unit test in the same text file)
- send the file to Victor (or to me)

Thank you guys!*



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