[Qgis-community-team] community info on frontpage

Anita Graser anitagraser at gmx.at
Sat Feb 15 08:49:57 PST 2014

Hi Richard,

Please have a look at my draft


There is still room for improvement especially concerning the design of  
the Flickr group previews but I like how everything is aligned.

Best wishes,

Am 10.02.2014, 22:37 Uhr, schrieb Richard Duivenvoorde  
<rdmailings at duif.net>:

> On 09-02-14 10:07, Anita Graser wrote:
>> Hi Richard,
>> Am 09.02.2014, 00:14 Uhr, schrieb Richard Duivenvoorde
>> <rdmailings at duif.net>:
>>> I've did a simple hack, on which the atomfeeds of flickr and planet
>>> would be received once a day via curl or so.
>>> Then some javascript reads this and creates some simple html of it.
>> That's great! I really like the idea of having some new things to
>> discover on the front page. For the Flickr feed, I would prefer if we
>> could use the Maps instead of the Screenshots group feed.
> Plz have another look:
> http://qgis.org/en/site/index2.html
>>> Information is as is, eg some titles could be more descriptive...
>> Right. The Flickr image names are pretty lame ... The names of the
>> images in the maps group should hopefully be a bit more descriptive.
>> I would limit the number of images to 3 and remove the static image on
>> the top.
> Number of items can be chosen per atom feed (in code).
> I think without the images in top the two right columns are so ... dull
>>> Usergroup news is fake, and not linking to anything. But in case of  
>>> some
>>> atom feed, it would link to meetup pages, QUG pages or whatever.
>> As long as there is no feed, where do we hard-code the stuff? I found
>> the UK blog and we have some information from the US group that we could
>> put on.
> the Usergroup news is now also a feed:
> http://qgis.org/en/site/qugs.atom (see also attachment).
> Not sure, exactly where to put it yet, but if you sent a filled atom
> feed to me (or the texts) I will make it appear in the website.
> (I've still to do the restyling, I've ruined some stuff in index2.html)
> Regards,
> Richard


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