[Qgis-community-team] Processing help

Alexander Bruy alexander.bruy at gmail.com
Wed Nov 26 10:23:51 PST 2014

Hi Matteo,

2014-11-26 20:08 GMT+02:00 matteo <matteo.ghetta at gmail.com>:
> Maybe I missed this information, but at the moment all the algs included in
> Processing are available in the user guide, right?

Well, almost all. I need to check LiDAR algorithms under Windows,
seems some of them does not work under Linux and as result I did not
create templates for them.

> All the help files that will be written, will also be included in the help
> tab of the algorithm itself?

Yes, the plan is to fill existing templates and show this help in algorithm
"Help" tab. And when adding/modifying core algorithms also create new
templates or (preferable) write help.

Alexander Bruy

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