[Qgis-community-team] Please finalise work on documentation

Richard Duivenvoorde richard at duif.net
Sat Nov 29 03:46:37 PST 2014

On 29-11-14 09:17, Diethard Jansen wrote:
> Hello everyone.
> Please try to finalise work on documentation for release this weekend.
> I also propose to keep the contents on the chapter what's new to the
> minimum. It is now almost empty but when we only include references to
> visual changes for 2.4 and 2.6 this should do.
> I would not mind if on monday a branch for QGIS documentation version
> 2.6 is created and release of documentation can start.

Ok, I have some time next week to do this.

Plan for this week:

- pull all current (2.2) translations from transifex and push those into
the 2.2 docs branch of github (as a 2.2 backup / point in time)
- branch 2.6 docs
- generate new source strings for 2.6 and push those to transifex (with
this invalidating old strings and adding new strings)
- make all scripts and configs working so we will have a
- add a crontab for 2.6 and stop the 2.2 crontab from building daily
- after this the master branch is free to add new 2.8 features !

If I forget something please let me know


Richard Duivenvoorde

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