Dear All,<br><br>I want to contribute to the QGIS Documentation, but dont know how. I asked Mr. Carson, and with his help I have started the process.<br>I have downloaded and installed <b>TortoiseSVN</b> and <b>TexMaker</b>.<br>
I have downloaded <b>MSYS-1.0.11-2004.04.30-1</b>, <b>MiKTeXsetup-2.7.3224</b>, <b>ImageMagick-6.5.4-10-Q16-windows-dll</b> and <b>ghostscript-8.64.tar</b>.<br>I am able to
get the repository in the TortoiseSVN but struck in TexMaker. How
should I configure it for Windows XP?<br>Which order I should Install these softwares and do I need anything more?<br>And then how to start working after that?<br><br>It will be kind of you if you can help me out.<br><br>
With Warm Regards,<br>Bishwarup<br><br>