<p>Hello Writers,</p>
<p>In the English version of the QGIS user manual, I've noticed the following:</p>
<p>- Page 21, Section 2.2.7 Keyboard shortcuts: on the first line it says "You find them on Section 2.2.1 below." Shouldn't it read instead "You find them on Section 2.2.1 above."</p>
<p>- Page 24, Section 2.5. The third complete sentence at top of page reads: "Each segment-length as well as total shows up in the measure-window". It should rather be "Segment-length and total length show up in the measure-window."</p>
<p>- Page 24, Section 2.5. The second sentence of the second paragraph is incomplete: "In the measure window the accumulated area-size appears In addition,...." Could it be "The accumulated area-size appears in the measure window. In addition,...."</p>
<p> </p>
<p>A small request: could the version number of the document appears somewhere on one of the first pages of the document?</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Best regards,</p>