<div class="gmail_quote"><div><div class="h5">Dear Administrator, </div><div class="h5"><br></div><div class="h5">Please post the following message to your email list. </div><div class="h5"><br></div><div class="h5"><div>Thanks and Best Regards, </div>
<div><br></div>Wei Ding <br>Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department<br>University of Massachusetts Boston<br>100 Morrissey Blvd., Boston, MA 02125<br>(Ph) 617-287-6428 (Fax) 617-287-6433<br><a href="http://www.cs.umb.edu/~ding" target="_blank">http://www.cs.umb.edu/~ding</a><br>
</div><div class="h5"><br></div><div class="h5"><br>
19th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference<br>
on Advances in Geographic Information Systems<br>
Call for Participation<br>
November 1-4, 2011<br>
Chicago, IL, USA<br>
<a href="http://acmgis2011.cs.umn.edu/" target="_blank">http://acmgis2011.cs.umn.edu/</a><br>
We would like to bring to your attention the upcoming ACM SIGSPATIAL<br>
International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems<br>
that will be held in Chicago, on November 1-4, 2011. It is the<br>
nineteenth event in a series of symposia and workshops that began in<br>
1993 with the aim of bringing together researchers, developers, users,<br>
and practitioners in relation to novel systems based on geo-spatial<br>
data and knowledge, and fostering interdisciplinary discussions and<br>
research in all aspects of geographic information systems. The<br>
conference provides a forum for original research contributions<br>
covering all conceptual, design, and implementation aspects of GIS<br>
ranging from applications, user interfaces, and visualization to data<br>
storage and query processing and indexing. The conference is the premier<br>
annual event of the ACM Special Interest Group on Spatial Information<br>
(ACM SIGSPATIAL <a href="http://www.sigspatial.org/" target="_blank">http://www.sigspatial.org/</a>).<br>
The early registration deadline is 09/30/2011. Online registration is<br>
open at <a href="http://acmgis2011.cs.umn.edu/registration.html" target="_blank">http://acmgis2011.cs.umn.edu/registration.html</a>. Conference hotel<br>
reservation is available at<br>
<a href="http://acmgis2011.cs.umn.edu/venue_accomodations.html" target="_blank">http://acmgis2011.cs.umn.edu/venue_accomodations.html</a>. The special rate<br>
is available for booking until October 10 or until the block of rooms<br>
reserved at the conference rate has been exhausted. We hope that you will<br>
be able to attend and we look forward to your participation.<br>
The invited speakers include:<br>
- Harry Shum, Corporate Vice President for Search, Microsoft<br>
- Ben Shneiderman, Professor of Computer Science, University of Maryland<br>
General Chairs:<br>
Isabel Cruz, University of Illinois<br>
Divyakant Agrawal, University of California at Santa Barbara<br>
Program Committee Chairs:<br>
Christian S. Jensen, Aarhus University<br>
Eyal Ofek, Microsoft Research<br>
Egemen Tanin, University of Melbourne<br>
It is a pleasure to announce the list of accepted papers (Poster papers:<br>
to be announced):<br>
Full papers<br>
1 (3): Finding the Most Accessible Locations - Reverse Path Nearest<br>
Neighbor Query in Road Networks<br>
Shuo Shang (University of Queensland)<br>
Bo Yuan (Tsinghua University)<br>
Ke Deng (University of Queensland)<br>
kexin Xie (University of Queensland)<br>
Xiaofang Zhou (University of Queensland)<br>
2 (25): Discovering Interesting Sub-paths in Spatiotemporal Datasets: A<br>
Summary of Results<br>
Xun Zhou (University of Minnesota)<br>
Shashi Shekhar (University of Minnesota)<br>
Stefan Liess (University of Minnesota)<br>
3 (30): Fast GPU-based Locality Sensitive Hashing for K-Nearest Neighbor<br>
Jia Pan (UNC Chapel Hill)<br>
Dinesh Manocha (UNC Chapel Hill)<br>
4 (46): A spatial neighborhood graph approach to regional co-location<br>
pattern discovery: A summary of results<br>
Pradeep Mohan (University of Minnesota)<br>
Shashi Shekhar (University of Minnesota)<br>
James Shine (Engineer Research and Development Center)<br>
James Rogers (Engineer Research and Development Center)<br>
Zhe Jiang (University of Minnesota)<br>
5 (48): Similarity Search on a Large Collection of Point Sets<br>
Marco Adelfio (University of Maryland)<br>
Sarana Nutanong (University of Maryland)<br>
Hanan Samet (University of Maryland)<br>
6 (56): Pedestrian-movement Prediction based on Mixed Markov-chain Model<br>
Akinori Asahara (Hitachi Ltd.)<br>
Akiko Sato (Hitachi Ltd.)<br>
Kishiko Maruyama (Hitachi Ltd.)<br>
Koichi Seto (Hitachi Ltd.)<br>
7 (59): Learning Location Naming from User Check-In Histories<br>
Defu Lian (University of Science and Technology of China)<br>
Xing Xie (Microsoft Research Asia)<br>
8 (60): Natural Neighbor Interpolation on a 3D Grid using a GPU<br>
Alex Beutel (Duke University)<br>
Thomas Molhave (Duke University)<br>
Pankaj Agarwal (Duke University)<br>
Arnold Boedihardjo (Army Research Office)<br>
James Shine (Engineer Research and Development Center)<br>
9 (64): Planar Segments of Building Roofs from Aerial Photogrammetry<br>
Philipp Meixner (Graz University of Technology)<br>
Franz Leberl (Graz University of Technology)<br>
Mathieu Bredif (Institute Geographique Nationale, France)<br>
10 (65): Path Shapes - An Alternative Method for Map Matching and Fully<br>
Autonomous Self-Localization<br>
Stefan Funke (University of Stuttgart)<br>
Sabine Storandt (University of Stuttgart)<br>
11 (69): Semantic Trajectory Mining for Next Location Prediction<br>
Jia-Ching Ying (National Cheng Kung University)<br>
Tz-Chiao Weng (National Cheng Kung University)<br>
Wang-Chien Lee (Pennsylvania State University)<br>
Vincent Tseng (National Cheng Kung University)<br>
12 (82): Median trajectories using well-visited regions and shortest<br>
Marc Van Kreveld (Utrecht University, the Netherlands)<br>
Lionov Wiratma (Parahyangan Catholic University)<br>
13 (83): On Efficient Obstructed Reverse Nearest Neighbor Query<br>
Yunjun Gao (Zhejiang University)<br>
Jiacheng Yang (Zhejiang University)<br>
Gang Chen (Zhejiang University)<br>
Baihua Zheng (Zhejiang University)<br>
Lidan Shou (Zhejiang University)<br>
14 (84): A splitting line model for directional relations<br>
Kevin Buchin (TU Eindhoven)<br>
Vincent Kusters (TU Eindhoven)<br>
Bettina Speckmann (TU Eindhoven)<br>
Frank Staals (TU Eindhoven)<br>
Bogdan Vasilescu (TU Eindhoven)<br>
15 (86): Conflation of Road Network and Geo-referenced Image Using<br>
Sparse Matching<br>
Jiantong Zhang (TUM)<br>
16 (89): Transportation Mode Detection using Mobile Devices and GIS<br>
Leon Stenneth (University of Illinois Chicago)<br>
Philip Yu (University of Illinois Chicago)<br>
Bo Xu (University of Illinois Chicago)<br>
Ouri Wolfson (University of Illinois Chicago)<br>
17 (95): Constructing Geo-Ontologies by Reification of Observation<br>
Benjamin Adams (University of California at Santa Barbara)<br>
Krzysztof Janowicz (University of California at Santa Barbara)<br>
18 (107): Multi-Approximate-Keyword Routing in GIS Data<br>
Bin Yao (Florida State University)<br>
Mingwang Tang (Florida State University)<br>
Feifei Li (Florida State University)<br>
19 (125): What You Are is When You Are - The Temporal Dimension of<br>
Feature Types in Location-based Social Networks<br>
Mao Ye (Pennsylvania State University)<br>
Krzysztof Janowicz (University of California at Santa Barbara)<br>
Wang-Chien Lee (Pennsylvania State University)<br>
Christoph Mulligann (University of Munster)<br>
20 (126): EnAcq: Energy-efficient Trajectory Data Acquisition Based<br>
on Improved Map Matching<br>
Shunkai Fang (National University of Singapore)<br>
Roger Zimmermann (National University of Singapore)<br>
21 (133): Data-Driven Trajectory Smoothing<br>
Frederic Chazal (INRIA Saclay-lle-de-France)<br>
Daniel Chen (Stanford University)<br>
Leo Guibas (Stanford University)<br>
Xiaoye Jiang (Stanford University)<br>
Christian Sommer (MIT)<br>
22 (140): Privacy-Preserving Assessment of Location Data<br>
Fang-Yu Rao (Purdue University)<br>
Gabriel Ghinita (Purdue University)<br>
Elisa Bertino (Purdue University)<br>
23 (146): Kinetic space-time prisms<br>
Walied Othman (IFGI)<br>
Harvey Miller (University of Utah)<br>
Bart Kuijpers (Hasselt University)<br>
24 (147): Exact and Approximate Computations of Watersheds on<br>
Triangulated Terrains<br>
Constantinos Tsirogiannis (TU Eindhoven)<br>
Mark de Berg (TU Eindhoven)<br>
25 (148): Flow on Noisy Terrains: An Experimental Evaluation<br>
Constantinos Tsirogiannis (TU Eindhoven)<br>
Herman Haverkort (TU Eindhoven)<br>
26 (158): Evaluating and Minimizing Ambiguities in Qualitative<br>
Route Instructions<br>
Matthias Westphal (University of Freiburg)<br>
Jochen Renz (Australian National University)<br>
27 (162): Boundary-Labeling Algorithms for Panorama Images<br>
Andreas Gemsa (KIT)<br>
Jan-Henrik Haunert (University of Wurzburg)<br>
Martin Noellenburg (KIT)<br>
28 (183): The PR-star octree: A spatio-topological data structure for<br>
tetrahedral meshes<br>
Kenneth Weiss (University of Maryland)<br>
Riccardo Fellegara (University of Genova)<br>
Leila De Floriani (University of Genova)<br>
Marcello Velloso (University of Maryland)<br>
29 (228): A New Method for Subdivision Simplification with<br>
Applications to Urban-Area Generalization<br>
Kevin Buchin (TU Eindhoven)<br>
Wouter Meulemans (TU Eindhoven)<br>
Bettina Speckmann (TU Eindhoven)<br>
30 (234): Delineating Imprecise Regions via Shortest-Path Graphs<br>
Mark de Berg (TU Eindhoven)<br>
Wouter Meulemans (TU Eindhoven)<br>
Bettina Speckmann (TU Eindhoven)<br>
31 (243): Exploration and Comparison of Geographic Information Sources<br>
using Distance Statistics<br>
Christian Sengstock (University of Heidelberg)<br>
Michael Gertz (University of Heidelberg)<br>
32 (268): Parking Slot Assignment Games<br>
Daniel Ayala (University of Illinois at Chicago)<br>
Ouri Wolfson (University of Illinois at Chicago)<br>
Jane Lin (University of Illinois at Chicago)<br>
Bo Xu (University of Illinois at Chicago )<br>
Bhaskar Dasgupta (University of Illinois at Chicago)<br>
33 (271): 3D Building Roof Reconstruction from Point Clouds via<br>
Generative Models<br>
Hai Huang (Leibniz University Hannover)<br>
Claus Brenner (Leibniz University Hannover)<br>
Monika Sester (Leibniz University Hannover)<br>
34 (281): A Kinematics-based GIS Methodology to Represent and Analyze<br>
Spatiotemporal Patterns of Precipitation Change<br>
James Bothwell (Univeristy of Oklahoma)<br>
May Yuan (University of Oklahoma)<br>
35 (282): Prox-RBAC: A Proximity-based Spatially Aware RBAC<br>
Michael Kirkpatrick (Purdue University)<br>
Maria Luisa Damiani (Univeristy of Milan)<br>
Elisa Bertino (Purdue University)<br>
Full industrial papers:<br>
36 (22): Automatic Registration of Mobile LiDAR and Spherical Panoramas<br>
Ruisheng Wang (NAVTEQ)<br>
Jeff Bach (NAVTEQ)<br>
Frank Ferrie (McGill)<br>
37 (97): Geometric Overpass Extraction from Vector Road Data and DSMs<br>
Joshua Schpok (Google)<br>
Ph.D. Showcase papers:<br>
1 (150): Construction of an Analytical Framework for Polygon-based Land<br>
Use Transition<br>
Chiaki Mizutani (University of Tsukuba)<br>
2 (188): Very High Resolution Digital Elevation Models (VHR DEMs) and<br>
multiscale landscape genomics analysis applied to an alpine plant species<br>
Kevin Leempoel (EPFL-LASIG)<br>
Sylvie Stucki (EPFL)<br>
Christian Parisod (University of Neuchatel)<br>
Stephane Joost (EPFL)<br>
3 (202): Measuring Terrain Distances Through Extracted Channel Networks<br>
Christopher Stuetzle (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)<br>
Zhongxian Chen (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)<br>
Barbara Cutler (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)<br>
Randolph Franklin (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)<br>
Mehrad Kamalzare (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)<br>
Thomas Zimmie (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)<br>
4 (203): A Geostatistical Framework for Categorical Spatial Data Modeling<br>
Guofeng Cao (University of California, Santa Barbara)<br>
Phaedon Kyriakidis (University of California, Santa Barbara)<br>
Michael Goodchild (University of California, Santa Barbara)<br>
1 (34): SpSJoin: Parallel Spatial Similarity Joins<br>
Jaime Ballesteros (FIU)<br>
Ariel Cary (FIU)<br>
Naphtali Rishe (FIU)<br>
2 (45): ASSIST: Access Controlled Ship Identification Streams<br>
Baljeet Malhotra (National University of Singapore)<br>
Jianneng Cao (National University of Singapore)<br>
Stephane Bressan (National University of Singapore)<br>
Wee-Juan Tan (National University of Singapore)<br>
Thomas Kister (National University of Singapore)<br>
Kian-Lee Tan (National University of Singapore)<br>
3 (51): Searching Web Documents as Location Sets<br>
Marco Adelfio (University of Maryland)<br>
Sarana Nutanong (University of Maryland)<br>
Hanan Samet (University of Maryland)<br>
4 (112): Overlapping and Synchronizing Two Worlds<br>
Daesung Jang (Pusan National University)<br>
Joon-Seok Kim (Pusan National University)<br>
Chi-Hyun Joo (Pusan National University)<br>
Ki-Joune Li (Pusan National University)<br>
5 (114): An experimental virtual museum based on augmented reality and<br>
Miguel Felix Mata (IPN)<br>
Christophe Claramunt (Naval Academy Research Institute, France)<br>
Alberto Juarez (IPN)<br>
6 (134): Exploring Spatiotemporal Patterns By Integrating Visual Analytics<br>
With A Moving Objects Database System<br>
Mahmoud Sakr (FernUniversitat Hagen)<br>
Ralf Guting (Fernuniversitat Hagen)<br>
Thomas Behr (FernUniversitat Hagen )<br>
Gennady Adrienko (Fraunhofer Institute IAIS)<br>
Natalia Andrienko (Fraunhofer Institute IAIS)<br>
Christophe Hurter (ENAC, Toulouse, France)<br>
7 (141): Jeocrowd - Collaborative Searching of User-Generated Point Datasets<br>
George Lamprianidis (IMIS-R.C. Athena)<br>
Dieter Pfoser (IMIS-R.C. Athena)<br>
8 (173): Real-Time Routing with OpenStreetMap data<br>
Dennis Luxen (KIT)<br>
Christian Vetter (Nokia Germany)<br>
9 (190): TARSIUS: A System for Traffic-Aware Route Search under Conditions<br>
of Uncertainty<br>
Itsik Hefez (Technion)<br>
Yaron Kanza (Technion)<br>
Roy Levin (Technion)<br>
10 (239): CROWDSAFE : Crowd Sourcing of Crime Incidents and Safe Routing on<br>
Mobile Devices<br>
Sumit Shah (Virginia Tech)<br>
Fenye Bao (Virginia Tech)<br>
Chang-Tien Lu (Virginia Tech)<br>
Ing-Ray Chen (Virginia Tech)<br>
11 (244): Porting a Web-Based Mapping Application to a Smartphone App<br>
Hanan Samet (University of Maryland)<br>
Marco Adelfio (University of Maryland)<br>
Brendan Fruin (University of Maryland)<br>
Michael Lieberman (University of Maryland)<br>
Benjamin Teitler (University of Maryland)<br>
12 (250): mTrend: Discovery of Topic Movements on Geo-Microblogging Messages<br>
Kyoung-Sook Kim (NICT)<br>
Ryong Lee (NICT)<br>
Koji Zettsu (NICT)<br>
13 (261): PedSeg: GPS Tracks as Priors for Overhead Image Segmentation<br>
Shawn Newsam (University of California, Merced)<br>
Andrew Pierce (University of California, Merced)<br>
Brent Edmunds (University of California, Merced)<br>
14 (276): Trip Analyzer through Smartphone Apps<br>
Ming Li (IBM Watson)<br>
Jing Dai (IBM Watson)<br>
Sambit Sahu (IBM Watson)<br>
Milind Naphade (IBM Watson)<br>