[Qgis-developer] Some errata on linux installations of qgis

mccue at acm.caltech.edu mccue at acm.caltech.edu
Thu Nov 8 15:15:37 EST 2007


  Several problems  are  disussed here, with the plugins and compiling
from source.  I would classify these problems as "errata", since there
are work  arounds, but since I've spent some time on these I thought I
would share my experience.  Since everything is changing so rapidly on
qgis it probably isn't worthwhile dealing with these at the moment.

  I'm  not really a systems person  but I've been playing around  with
qgis installation the last few days, trying to make plugins work (I am
using  the  newlayer plugin from the  recent workshop).   I  have four
different configurations I am using, arranged as:

          Packages   Source   Version     File version gotten from
  Debian    I          II     lenny/sid     /etc/debian_version
  Ubuntu    III        IV     4.0           /etc/debian_version

(the source is the trunc on svn).  On all these combinations,

  % python /usr/local/share/qgis/python/plugins/new_layer/__init__.py

  runs fine (at least, $? returns 0 and there are no error messages).

as does

when I use it for qgis built from source.  This plugin seems to  work,
except  in  case (III),  I  get error  messages in  a separate  window
(labelled "Error"), of the form:

  Couldn't load plugin "newlayer"

  Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "", line 2, in
  ImportError: No module named newlayer

The plugin manager now reports this plugin as __error__
  __error__ appears in the name field on the plugin manager (also in
  the version and description fields)


Debian (lenny/sid)|qgis from package (I)

  This was installed by a system administrator.

Debian (lenny/sid)|qgis from source (II)

  This install went smoothly--the flag

     cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${HOME}/dev/cpp/ ..

  is needed.

Ubuntu (4.0)|qgis from package (III)

    While  trying to install quantum from  source  I used the  following
  commands   listed  on   http://www.perrygeo.net/wordpress/?cat=2.

  sudo apt-get -y install qgis grass qgis-plugin-grass mapserver-bin gdal-bin
  cgi-python-qt4 python-sip4 python-gdal python-mapscript gmt   \
  gmt-coastline-data r-recommended gpsbabel shapelib libgdal1-1.4.0-grass

  Then has perrygeo suggest, I did


  and run through a few .deb dpkg installations (see perrygeo for details).

  This  worked  (I had to do some tweaking--I  think  libgdal1-1.3.2 was
  what was available so I used it).  I don't know whether these commands
  are available on your website (your wiki  for installation didn't have
  it--I can't check now because the wiki is down).

  This gives me 0.9 of qgis

Ubuntu (4.0)|qgis from source (III)

  Now  I  do  a svn  checkout  and  have  the  following  problems  in
  compiling/installing 0.9.1.  Once again the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is

     cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${HOME}/dev/cpp/ ..

cmake/Python.cmake needs to be modified:


#  "import PyQt4.pyqtconfig\nprint PyQt4.pyqtconfig._pkg_config['pyqt_sip_dir']"

"import PyQt4.pyqtconfig_nd\nprint PyQt4.pyqtconfig_nd._pkg_config['pyqt_sip_dir



    doesn't work (PyQt4.pyqtconfig doesn't have _pkg_config) and


    does (PyQt4.pyqtconfig_nd has _pkg_conifg)

  With this change make goes all the way through.  Now, on make install


    had to be set to make the installation work

  Then make install died with this error

  CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
  FILE Internal CMake error when trying to open file:
     /home/mccue/dev/cpp/qgis/install_manifest.txt for writing.
  Current CMake stack: /home/mccue/dev/cpp/qgis/cmake_install.cmake
  make: *** [install] Error 255

  But  looking  at  the  cmake_install.cmake  it  seems  that  all the
  installation was  done  before this error was hit, and qgis seems to

                                   Ken McCue
                                   Research Scientist
                                   California Institute of Technology

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