[Qgis-developer] Question about changing some code from QgisApp to QGgsDbSourceSelect

godofredo contreras frdcn at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 19 11:37:06 EDT 2007

Hi Marco:

> >thinking in usability  it will be better if we
> >could add multiple  database  layers  without needing to close and reopen  
> QGgsDbSourceSelect
> It is possible to add multiple tables from one database by selecting and 
> holding the ctrl key pressed. Or do you mean to add layers from multiple 
> databases with one dialog? If yes, how do you intend to change the gui 
> elements in the dialog?

I was thinking to create the selected layers of one database when pressing the
add button in QGgsDbSourceSelect. Because the gui elements of dialog will be
the same to postgres databases and ogr databases, I was also thinking in add
a disconnect button to  close the actual connection being able to choose another
connection, maybe of different type and populate again the list of tables, being
possible to add another set of tables without closing the dialog.
> >What do you think about this change, or it could be better to add the code to 
> manage ogr database layers
> >in  QgisApp::addDatabaseLayer()?
> Maybe QgsDbSourceSelect should just give back a list of urls and provider 
> strings and QgisApp::addDatabaseLayer() just create the vector layers with 
> this information. That way, the assembly of the database urls for postgres- 
> or ogr-database layers could happen inside QGgsDbSourceSelect class. Does 
> that make sense?
This is the how postgres vector is added actually.

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