[Qgis-developer] cmake and ccmake usage - "Python bindings disabled"

Martin Dobias wonder.sk at gmail.com
Sun Sep 16 07:08:15 EDT 2007

On 9/15/07, icosa atropa <icos.atropa at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for previous ccmake+feisty+libgdal pointers.  I'm still getting
> comfortable with cmake.  You pointed me in the right direction, and i
> successfully built and ran 0.9.
> I ran into some confusing cmake and ccmake behavior - using the
> "ccmake" invocation, when I press "c" to configure my values, it
> flashes messages including "Python bindings disabled due to dependency
> problems" on the status bar... "e" doesn't show errors, and I can
> still "g"enerate.  Is it possible to see (and respond to) these
> messages in "ccmake"?


since PyQGIS is just an optional part of QGIS, it´s not considered to
be an error when python dependencies are not found - the rest of the
sources can be built without any problems.

> In cmake, what i'm assuming are the same messages go to the console.
> I get I've verified the locations of the sip binary, python2.5
> libraries, PyQt4, but I don't see where to specify PyQt4 location and
> I still get
> -- SIP not found!
> -- PyQt4 not found!
> -- Python bindings disabled due dependency problems!

Yes, with cmake you get the same messages. SIP and PyQt4 detection
tries to import the appropriate python modules. What happens when you
run python and type:
import sip
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui

If you have already installed SIP and PyQt4, make sure that it's
installed to correct version of Python (different versions of Python
do not share additional modules).


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