[Qgis-developer] [SoC] beta release of Home Range plugin for QGIS

Barry Rowlingson b.rowlingson at lancaster.ac.uk
Fri Aug 1 06:13:27 EDT 2008

2008/8/1 Anne Ghisla <a.ghisla at studenti.uninsubria.it>:

> I read documentation of os.path, but I didn't find functions that work on
> whitespaces.
> Seems that I have to examine the output path and escape whitespaces before
> giving it to R. Or, write nothing and discourage the use of whitespaced paths...

 Can you give a simple example of where this happens? If I create a
path with spaces in it I can source a file from it from rpy without
any escaping:

>>> r.source("Foo Bar/test.R")
[1] "hello"

 And also for output:

>>> out="Foo Bar/out.txt"
>>> r.cat("Hello World",file=out)
>>> file(out).read()
'Hello World'

 This is on Linux, so maybe this fails on Windows, or you're doing
something else that fails.


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