[Qgis-developer] Re: Composer legend labels

John C. Tull jctull at gmail.com
Wed Dec 23 12:50:28 EST 2009

Thanks Marco,

On Dec 23, 2009, at 7:07 AM, Marco Hugentobler wrote:

> Hi John
> Nice to hear you are enjoying the print composer.
>> Another legend consideration: Layer items are shown with the layer title
>> above the vector/raster symbol. It would be nice if layer titles could be
>> placed directly to the right of the vector symbol with a user-configurable
>> option. This makes the most sense for single symbol vector layers, but no
>> sense for categorized layers. The legend would need to be smart enough to
>> distinguish between the two and label accordingly.
> For single symbol layers, it is already possible to place the layer title next 
> to the symbol. Just enter the layer name to the symbol item and remove the 
> layer level string. Then the layer item will disappear.

An ah-ha moment! Thanks for pointing that out. This is exactly what I was looking for.

>> I really love the way text is automatically wrapped for text labels. It
>> would be very useful if legend text items would similarly wrap when
>> adjusting the width of the legend. I don't know if this is something that
>> can be readily accomplished or not, but it would be helpful.
> This is a good idea. It would however need a bit extension to the legend item 
> to change it to a table structure where the user may resize the columns and 
> rows.
>> An additional text box enhancement would be to allow user-selectable
>> justification of text. Options for both horizontal and vertical alignment
>> would be ideal. Vertical: top, bottom, center of text box. Horizontal:
>> left, right, center justified.
> True, this would be very usefull and could be added easily (since QPainter 
> provides all the necessary options). So once the feature freeze is over...

Indeed, the feature freeze prevents these changes. I just wanted to get my thoughts your direction to add to your list of possible enhancements.

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