[Qgis-developer] Re: qgsRelate (Table joins in QGIS)

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Mon Dec 28 02:10:48 EST 2009

Maurício de Paulo ha scritto:
> The idea behind this plugin is that it would use qgsvectorlayer  (that 
> supports shapefile, postgresql, grass, dbf, etc) and would join only a 
> single feature attributes.
> So i'm proposing that the user would select a feature and would be 
> able to find everything related to it. Every relationship could be 
> stored in a relationship file so that you could reproduce it for a 
> given data model.
Hi all.
Please remember that one of our users is available to donate some money 
to implement table joins.
All the best.

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