[Qgis-developer] Getting QgsVectorLayer destructor

Germán Carrillo carrillo.german at gmail.com
Tue Nov 10 15:31:56 EST 2009

Hi Maria Angélica,

Maybe your qgis_prefix variable is wrong. It should be:


Or something like that.

Also, you should use a recent version of QGis to be sure of get all the
classes for PyQGIS, because some of them has been added recently by the



2009/11/10 Echavarria Gregory, Maria Angelica <
m.echavarriagregory at umiami.edu>

> Hello All:
> My Qgis application was fully working everyday for a month and suddenly the
> vector layers are not loading. I use OSGeo4W version 1.0 Kore and have
> tested in two machines (win XP and Vista) and happened the same in both. The
> complaint that I get is this:
> ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsproviderregistry.cpp(341) :
> (QgsProviderRegistry:: getProvider) Libary name is
> Failed to load
> ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsvectorlayer.cpp(2200) :
> (QgsVectorLayer::setDataProvider) unable to get data provider
> ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsvectorlayer.cpp(150) :
> (QgsVectorLayer::~QgsVectorLayer) In QgsVectorLayer destructor
> Is it a bug in my application? where from could it result? I recently added
> a rubberband, can this be related?
> Thank you, I appreciate your answers.
> Angelica.
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