[Qgis-developer] how to render selected feature on top of the others?

Martin Dobias wonder.sk at gmail.com
Tue Aug 3 07:06:12 EDT 2010

Hi Giovanni

On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 6:34 PM, G. Allegri <giohappy at gmail.com> wrote:
> In my application I need to let the user to select (from a table) and
> zoom to a specified feature
> The layer is made of a dense cloud of points, so even if the point get
> selected it happens to be hidden by other (unselected) points.
> Is it possible to ask the renderer to put the selected points on top
> of the others?

I'm not aware of any straightforward way.

You could create a temporary layer (using memory provider) and put the
selected features into it. If the temporary layer will be placed on
top of the original layer, the user will always see the selected

If using new symbology, you could implement a custom renderer which
would delay rendering of the selected features and render them at last
in stopRender() method.


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