[Qgis-developer] Passing pointer arrays in python

Tim Sutton lists at linfiniti.com
Fri Aug 6 05:09:36 EDT 2010

Hi Martin & other pythonistas

I'm trying to use

void QgsRasterLayer::computeMinimumMaximumFromLastExtent  	(  	int   	
theBand, double *  	theMinMax )

Via python. However I can't seem to figure out how to pass the
arguments. I tried doing:

void QgsRasterLayer::computeMinimumMaximumFromLastExtent  	(  	int   	
theBand,	double *  	theMinMax )

Looking at the generated sip file:


If doesnt seem to internally use a double* for the a1 var. (line 2167
below). Is this a bug with the sip file defs, or am I missing how to
use the method?

2160 extern "C" {static PyObject
*meth_QgsRasterLayer_computeMinimumMaximumEstimates(PyObject *,
PyObject *);}
2161 static PyObject
*meth_QgsRasterLayer_computeMinimumMaximumEstimates(PyObject *sipSelf,
PyObject *sipArgs)
2162 {
2163     int sipArgsParsed = 0;
2165     {
2166         int a0;
2167         double a1;
2168         QgsRasterLayer *sipCpp;
2170         if
2171         {
2172             Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS
2173             sipCpp->computeMinimumMaximumEstimates(a0,&a1);
2174             Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS
2176             return PyFloat_FromDouble(a1);
2177         }
2178     }


Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release  Manager)
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