[Qgis-developer] Integration of QGIS mapserver to svn?

Pirmin Kalberer pi_ml at sourcepole.com
Mon Aug 23 17:17:58 EDT 2010

Am Montag, 23. August 2010, um 22.25:27 schrieb Tim Sutton:
> Hi
> On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 9:08 PM, Andreas Neumann <a.neumann at carto.net> 
> >  +0 for QGIS Server and +1 for QGIS Mobile.
> > 
> > While I like "QGIS Server" as a name, there may be different "QGIS
> > Servers" in the future? Maybe a QGIS WFS server? Or a QGIS WPS or
> > geoprocessing server? Or a QGIS printserver?
> Wouldnt they all be the same server just with different service type
> requests? Would be nicer than needing to deploy 4 server binaries....

+1 for QGIS Server
It's possible that a future server type won't fit into Marco's and Ionut's FCGI 
server. But then I propose to write a dispatcher which delegates to the 
corresponding QGIS XY server (similar to ArcGIS server, btw).

> > I would see "QGIS Server" as a family of upcoming potential servers and
> > "QGIS WMS server" for the great work that Marco just did. I also still
> > like "QGIS Mapserver" or "QGIS Webmap Server" which actually describes
> > what it is - serving styled maps for web-connected devices and
> > applications.
> I love how we discuss names more than the actual thing Marco made :-)
> For those who are interested, here is a quick guide to getting
> started:
> http://linfiniti.com/2010/08/qgis-mapserver-a-wms-server-for-the-masses/
> (docs team you are welcome to reappropriate that for the next manual
> if it is useful to you...)

I've added one missing thing as a comment, and Andreas listed all others...
Thanks for the article.


Pirmin Kalberer
Sourcepole  -  Linux & Open Source Solutions

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