[Qgis-developer] Re: PostGIS Query Editor plugin - proposal to remove Qt.WindowCloseButtonHint

Ivan Mincik ivan.mincik at gmail.com
Sun May 9 04:07:35 EDT 2010

> I just uploaded a new version of my postgisquery plugin. The plugin now
> decides based in the Qt Version which kind of window decoration will be
> used. Due to lacking Qt 4.4.x I'm not able to test my fix. Please let me
> know if it works.

Hi, there is an error when launching plugin.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ivo/.qgis/python/plugins/postgisquery/PostgisQuery.py",
line 79, in run
    self.dlg = PostgisQueryDialog(self.iface.mainWindow(), self.flags)
AttributeError: PostgisQuery instance has no attribute 'flags'

You can send me 'PostgisQuery.py' for test before publishing. Sorry
for inconvenience.

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