[Qgis-developer] easier translation

Alessandro Pasotti apasotti at gmail.com
Fri Nov 12 08:54:46 EST 2010

2010/11/12 Paolo Cavallini <cavallini at faunalia.it>

> Il 12/11/2010 14:07, Alexander Bruy ha scritto:
>  Sphinx has a more simple syntax than Latex, but there are same problems
>> with translation such as finding new strings to be translated
> I think this is the main problem: currently we spend more time searching
> for what to translate than actually translating.


just an idea:

For years, KDE has successfully used docbook XML for documentation and a
couple of scripts to extract untranslated strings into a gettext PO catalog
and to import them back into docbook.

The source was splitted to have each individual semantic unit in a single PO
"msgid", this way a small change or fix in the source does not invalidate
all the translation.

When I was in the translation team (I left a few years ago) the process was
completely automatic, with cron jobs to keep everything in sync.


This method had the primary advantage to manage both GUI and doc
translations with the same gettext toolchain, this way It was easier to keep
translations coherent (think about fuzzy translations of the GUI menu

docbook can be easily transformed into HTML (single and multi-page) , ODT,
PDF etc.

Alessandro Pasotti
w3:   www.itopen.it
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