[Qgis-developer] Full consistent SVG Icon Set

MORREALE Jean Roc jr.morreale at enoreth.net
Tue Oct 19 14:58:04 EDT 2010

Hi Robert, sorry for the late answer

> Icons have many common elements. So having 'layer' sign in 20-30
> icons, one have to change it 20-30 times. Now with one source file
> just once. It can be done with 'stable' icon set, let say version 0.2
> of GIS icons :)

I understand the point but it makes it harder to discover for a new
comer which layer has to modified and to follow the evolution of an icon
(individual svg permit previews in the file manager).

>> I planned to do some work on your icon set to bring more contrast
>> (it is difficult for some to distinguish between active and
>> unactive).
> Please point out which ones you mean. Any other comments also are
> very welcome before QGIS hackfest in Wroclaw [1]. I will try to
> improve them during HF and then split into separate files.

Mainly the vertex/save/measure elements but this issue (I'm a mole) is
due to the very pale colorset with not enought contrast, I have to focus
my view on each icons to differentiate them. Another difficulty is that
somes lack "thickness" like the scissor or the refresh part of mActionDraw.

Jean Roc

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