[Qgis-developer] ftools geometry check

Borys Jurgiel borysiasty at aster.pl
Sun Oct 31 11:47:53 EDT 2010

a.furieri at lqt.it:

> So I suppose that ftools (incorrectly) checks any
> polygon geometry for validity following the
> superseded SHP-like rules.

Oh, I see! So no matter how I digitize the shapefile, it's always saved with 
the right direction so no error occures. Good to know that I can't force it's 

Carson Farmer:
> Hi all,
> I would actually much prefer it if people didn't use the check geometry
> tool at all :-p It was never really meant to be a long-term tool (I really
> just created it at the time to be a quick and dirty way to find issues
> with shapefiles), and I know that Martin and his team have created a much
> better geometry checker (in C++) that is kicking around somewhere that
> would be much better suited to most users needs. In actual fact, there is
> no attempt to follow OGC standards in the ftools geometry validity tool!

It's absolutely necessary functionality, so I'm looking forward to see the 
Martin's tool!

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