[Qgis-developer] Breaking API and merge of threading branch

Ramon Andinach custard at westnet.com.au
Wed Aug 10 20:30:39 EDT 2011

On 10/08/2011, at 19:47 , Paolo Cavallini wrote:

> Il 10/08/2011 13:30, Martin Dobias ha scritto:
>> We did not really plan to make a 1.8 release. I am a bit afraid that
>> preparing another release might distract us from the road to 2.0.
> Agreed, I did not mean to have a formal release, just a quick snapshot before
> breakage. I'm sure someone will find it useful.
> All the best.

I have but two questions for this thread, and it's more a user question than a developer question (and if I thought like the later, I'd probably be able to answer it myself).

I recall discussion of a 1.7.1 backport type release, to cover the major bugs that weren't sorted in time for the 1.7 release.
Is that still on?
If so, does this affect the possibility of a 1.7.1 release?

Just curiosity. 1.7 is doing a good job of what I need it for - so many thanks.

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