[Qgis-developer] Georeferencer produces wrong (shifted) result

Werner Macho werner.macho at gmail.com
Fri Dec 16 12:53:11 EST 2011

>> myself). I think
>> we should take more steps so that qgis is not released with errors
>> such as this
> Agreed: we need a more formal approach to release, with a Release Candidate cycle.
> All the best.
I dont think we need a Release Candidate cycle - From my point that will
bring only more "confuse" into the release cycle..
I guess with RC releases we would probably have "some (5?) persons
testing the Release Candidate which will in my opinion not lead into
more bugs reported or found.
People wanting more features are using master anyway .. And people that
want to stay on the "safe" side are using the releases which (and i
guess most users are aware of that fact) can always include bugs.
If we stick to the release cycle like it is now we would surely have
more people using it and detecting more bugs - and with the amount of
people it is more likely to get some response.

>From my point of view the only thing we should do is state clearly
somewhere that software can always contain bugs and if there is a bug we
should help people report it in any way.

I dont think it makes any difference if we release a 1.7.4-rc1 (to rc5?)
because people will stick using 1.7.3 as long as 1.7.4 will be released
- leading only into more releases not helping us in any way..

Maybe I am wrong but that is what I am getting as response from some users..

kind regards

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