[Qgis-developer] reorganizing menus

Alexander Bruy alexander.bruy at gmail.com
Fri Dec 23 13:35:31 EST 2011

2011/12/23 Paolo Cavallini <cavallini at faunalia.it>:
> Il 23/12/2011 16:26, Alexander Bruy ha scritto:
>> Sorry, forgot to say.
>> Also you need in __init__.py add new function
> ...
> Where should these notes be written down?

In plugins __init__.py, in same place where description() and
name() functions. Here is example from GdalTools:

def name():
  return "GdalTools"
def description():
  return "Integrate gdal tools into qgis"
def category():
  return "Raster"
def version():
  return "Version 1.2.29"
def qgisMinimumVersion():
  return "1.0"
def icon():
  return "icons/raster-info.png"
def classFactory(iface):
  # load GdalTools class from file GdalTools
  from GdalTools import GdalTools
  return GdalTools(iface)

Alexander Bruy

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