[Qgis-developer] MXD

Barry Rowlingson b.rowlingson at lancaster.ac.uk
Thu Jan 27 11:09:18 EST 2011

On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 1:56 PM, Stephan Holl
<stephan.holl at intevation.de> wrote:

> I would love to read more about Barries reverse engeneerings of the
> 'obfuscated' format.

 All I've discovered at the moment is that if you dump it using
"strings -e l foo.mxd" on a Linux box you can actually see the file
names of shapefiles and geotiffs - they're stored as UTF-16 strings.
But being able to locate where in the whole mush of strings that whizz
past so you could automatically strip them out is another problem.

 If I actually had this problem on a one-off, say someone gave me a
MXD with two layers and the accompanying shapefiles, I'd probably just
do it manually - start Qgis, load two layers. With a hundred layers
I'd probably get the filenames and make a Qgis project file
programmatically. But given that extracting anything other than the
layer file names and ordering (styling, for example) is just about
impossible I'd probably do it from the filenames rather than the MXD
itself. But anyway, for me the break-even point for automating this is
about 20 layers, and that might only happen once in my lifetime...


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