[Qgis-developer] porting the composer QPaintEngine hack to Python?

G. Allegri giohappy at gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 07:11:26 PDT 2012

Vincent highlighted a hack in the composer PDF rendering (made by Marco)
I was trying to reproduce it in Python, to test if it can solve some
problems in the Atlas plugin.
I thought I could use the QPrinter.setEngines() method [2], to set an
instance of a derived QPaintEngine intitated with the flags provided in the
hack, but this method makes QGis crash. I was doing something like this

paintE = self.getHackedPaintEngine
printE = printer.printEngine()

def getHackedPaintEngine(self):
        class HackEngine(QPaintEngine):
            def __init__(self):
                  | QPaintEngine.PixmapTransform
                  | QPaintEngine.PatternBrush
                  | QPaintEngine.AlphaBlend
                  | QPaintEngine.PainterPaths
                  | QPaintEngine.Antialiasing
                  | QPaintEngine.BrushStroke
                  | QPaintEngine.ConstantOpacity
                  | QPaintEngine.MaskedBrush
                  | QPaintEngine.BlendModes
                  | QPaintEngine.RasterOpModes

return HackEngine()

What alternative way would you suggest to reproduce the hack?

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