[Qgis-developer] libqgis_core.so. 1.9.0 missing , how to solve this problem?

李杨 gisyangli at gmail.com
Tue Jul 31 04:50:05 PDT 2012

Hello everyone,

i building and install qgis on my ubuntu 12.04.  I try on two PC, and both
has the similar problem.
but when I launch the qgis, le
it always say i missing a libqgis_core.so. 1.9.0

why this problem occur and how i solve this problem ,
further more,
where should I go to get answering of similar question?

jack at jack:~/apps/bin$ ./qgis
./qgis: error while loading shared libraries: libqgis_core.so.1.9.0: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory
jack at jack:~/apps/bin$

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