[Qgis-developer] QGIS 1.8 Windows Standalone is not OK with spatialite versions (ECW tangent)

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Mon Jan 14 23:27:17 PST 2013

Il 15/01/2013 00:28, Ramon Andiñach ha scritto:
> Ok. I'll go back through the licensing documentation in the next few days.
> If I'm doing this I have some questions. (Jürgen, Paolo?)
> What would appropriate questions would be? Paolo's comment below seems really open to me.
>   (Neither developer or lawyer, so would appreciate comment).
> What was the previous arrangement?

AFAICT, the SDK can be used for "dektop programs", not for servers. The issue is: if
we compile GDAL with non-free SDK, this can be used both for the desktop and for the
server (mapserver, QGSI server, etc.). It is unclear if the responsibility lies with
the user (so a warning "use only for desktop" is enough) of with the developer (in
this case, we cannot distribute it).
If someone has a better understanding, please let us know.
All the best.
Paolo Cavallini - Faunalia
Full contact details at www.faunalia.eu/pc
Nuovi corsi QGIS e PostGIS: http://www.faunalia.it/calendario

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