[Qgis-developer] Shifted raster display

Agustin Lobo alobolistas at gmail.com
Thu Jun 27 03:57:11 PDT 2013

After processing a raster layer with OTB, I get a shifted display of
the new layer in Qgis.
While gdalinfo reports a 0,0 origin, qgis reports a 0, 1023.74 origin.
The origin of the original file is reported as 0,0 by both gdalinfo and qgis
See screenshot here:

Also, while gdalinfo reports no projection (because there is none) Qgis reports
longlat wgs84 in the Metadata (not only in General).

Tested on qgis 1.8 (on Ubuntu) and 2.0-dev clf8230 (on Mac)

I fill a ticket and upload the 2 images.


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